Monday, May 24, 2010


There are no right answers in social media, each company differs in its use. Although each point in social media can be tailored to each company.

1. Spend more conventional advertising budgets on customer service
So many problems can be avoided if the company proactively treat customers properly. Currently in social media, word of mouth has walked away and left above the physical conversation model directly, and can actually affect consumers around the world. By completing your product with excellent support and a pleasant experience, you will be creating brand advocates that will help rather than hurt you. Imagine if big companies reduce the number of TV commercials that cost is very large and they are really out to help customers. It looks like 'things that make no sense', but such an incredible moment to see so many companies continue to treat their customers poorly, and then try to fix it by spending more money on advertising. In a McKinsey report, 67% of consumer sales are directly influenced by WOM (PDF), and the best form of a reputation management is when management does not require the management of reputation at all. Treat your customers right, and you'll see results in social media and your bottom line.
2. Creating a social media strategy and not only went along with it
The problem in most companies is the lack of strategy and social media are involved because they think that they harus.Duduklah and collated a list of targets and then work to find strategies that will work to achieve it, Do not just nge-Tweet just because you heard it on the Metro, do not create a Facebook Page because your competitors do. Come with a list of objectives and strategies to achieve them. Tactics and strategy are crucial in social media, such as Sun Tzu said, "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to achieve victory. Tactics without strategy is sound before defeat ".
3. Training and education workers
Recently, due to lack of knowledge of the individuals who work on behalf of a company so there was a leak. Policies should be established to ensure that workers do not violate the terms of use, act inappropriately, gave inaccurate information, or some other dilemma that will come. In addition, anyone who is allowed to speak on behalf of the company must have a firm understanding of networking, how they work and overall company strategy. If executed poorly, social media has the power to hurt a brand, and knowledge are fundamental factors that can prevent this problem.
4. A better tracking
One of the most difficult aspects of Social Media Marketing is to track the conversations going on 'illegal'. "Research and find a solution that will help you and your company achieve the social goals of media. There are some good tracking system on the market, the trick is to test drive them and see what will work for you. In addition to tracking 'Mentions', keyword tracking broad and attract customers who seek help can be a very profitable part of the Social Media Marketing. When looking for tools, the people who enable archiving and exporting of data is something that can be very helpful when you make the internal causes of social media.
5. Take time to look your best
Use social media profile as an extension of your brand and your website. Take the time to change your background twitter or Facebook create additional tabs that support your current marketing initiatives. Just because your profile is not in your web situw, that does not mean that you do not need to spend money to make it look nicer.
6. Advertise your media social profile
One of the hardest things to be used as justification in internet marketing is to spend money without being able to send visitors to your web. Just like investing in the design and development, social profile, you must control the budget for advertising on social media sites as well. For example, Facebook ad pages is a quick and easy way to let users know that you are targeted to participate in the conversation. Although you may be able to utilize your site to get some faithful fans (see above), spend money for exposure to the target audience can be much more profitable in the long term.
7. Give people a reason to join
"If you make it, they will come" does not work on social media, or the online world in general. You must give people a reason to follow you and become a fan. Is it the lottery, breaking news, gifts, sales or corporate company updates, you must offer people something useful in return for their loyalty.
8. Give reward your fans something exclusive
By offering something exclusive to the audience of social media, you can "show values" and make them feel good about following you on social media. They're not only going to get something exclusive, they also get the feeling that they have a special relationship that does not belongs to everyone.
9. Do not ignore your site
While all the points above talk about the tactics of social media sites, one of the most important thing to remember is that you can 'be social' on your site. Things like blogs and social media forum is an original, so make sure to maintain and create good content that will give good performance in social media. In the end, your site is the main tool your online sales and see it! While trying to hold social media applications like Facebook Connect or Digg or Twitter's API to utilize the benefits of this on your site.(SOCIAL MEDIA RESOLUTION 2010

There are no right answers in social media, each company differs in its use. Although each point in social media can be tailored to each company.

1. Spend more conventional advertising budgets on customer service
So many problems can be avoided if the company proactively treat customers properly. Currently in social media, word of mouth has walked away and left above the physical conversation model directly, and can actually affect consumers around the world. By completing your product with excellent support and a pleasant experience, you will be creating brand advocates that will help rather than hurt you. Imagine if big companies reduce the number of TV commercials that cost is very large and they are really out to help customers. It looks like 'things that make no sense', but such an incredible moment to see so many companies continue to treat their customers poorly, and then try to fix it by spending more money on advertising. In a McKinsey report, 67% of consumer sales are directly influenced by WOM (PDF), and the best form of a reputation management is when management does not require the management of reputation at all. Treat your customers right, and you'll see results in social media and your bottom line.
2. Creating a social media strategy and not only went along with it
The problem in most companies is the lack of strategy and social media are involved because they think that they harus.Duduklah and collated a list of targets and then work to find strategies that will work to achieve it, Do not just nge-Tweet just because you heard it on the Metro, do not create a Facebook Page because your competitors do. Come with a list of objectives and strategies to achieve them. Tactics and strategy are crucial in social media, such as Sun Tzu said, "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to achieve victory. Tactics without strategy is sound before defeat ".
3. Training and education workers
Recently, due to lack of knowledge of the individuals who work on behalf of a company so there was a leak. Policies should be established to ensure that workers do not violate the terms of use, act inappropriately, gave inaccurate information, or some other dilemma that will come. In addition, anyone who is allowed to speak on behalf of the company must have a firm understanding of networking, how they work and overall company strategy. If executed poorly, social media has the power to hurt a brand, and knowledge are fundamental factors that can prevent this problem.
4. A better tracking
One of the most difficult aspects of Social Media Marketing is to track the conversations going on 'illegal'. "Research and find a solution that will help you and your company achieve the social goals of media. There are some good tracking system on the market, the trick is to test drive them and see what will work for you. In addition to tracking 'Mentions', keyword tracking broad and attract customers who seek help can be a very profitable part of the Social Media Marketing. When looking for tools, the people who enable archiving and exporting of data is something that can be very helpful when you make the internal causes of social media.
5. Take time to look your best
Use social media profile as an extension of your brand and your website. Take the time to change your background twitter or Facebook create additional tabs that support your current marketing initiatives. Just because your profile is not in your web situw, that does not mean that you do not need to spend money to make it look nicer.
6. Advertise your media social profile
One of the hardest things to be used as justification in internet marketing is to spend money without being able to send visitors to your web. Just like investing in the design and development, social profile, you must control the budget for advertising on social media sites as well. For example, Facebook ad pages is a quick and easy way to let users know that you are targeted to participate in the conversation. Although you may be able to utilize your site to get some faithful fans (see above), spend money for exposure to the target audience can be much more profitable in the long term.
7. Give people a reason to join
"If you make it, they will come" does not work on social media, or the online world in general. You must give people a reason to follow you and become a fan. Is it the lottery, breaking news, gifts, sales or corporate company updates, you must offer people something useful in return for their loyalty.
8. Give reward your fans something exclusive
By offering something exclusive to the audience of social media, you can "show values" and make them feel good about following you on social media. They're not only going to get something exclusive, they also get the feeling that they have a special relationship that does not belongs to everyone.
9. Do not ignore your site
While all the points above talk about the tactics of social media sites, one of the most important thing to remember is that you can 'be social' on your site. Things like blogs and social media forum is an original, so make sure to maintain and create good content that will give good performance in social media. In the end, your site is the main tool your online sales and see it! While trying to hold social media applications like Facebook Connect or Digg or Twitter's API to utilize the benefits of this on your site.(from various sources)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good and useful articles...Congratulations..

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