Friday, May 21, 2010

The development of the newborn baby

You often ask
pediatricians about child development. Versatility of normal infants develop with age. For instance, newborns can not see clearly, but in the second month he was able to see close objects, like his mother's breast while nursing. Due to the increasing age of the baby, he can gradually see more distant objects. And what did the baby at a certain age into his mother's attention.

Below are successively written what things might be a baby at each age. But you do not have to worry if the baby has not a certain age can do as they are written below. Generally, babies who are too fat, a bit behind in physical development. There are babies who can not stomach or back, was able to sit alone.

It is often disturbing you if your baby is one year old and she has not been able to walk. Babies who fear (having small balls) has long been able to run at the box with a handle, but sometimes up to age 20 months did not dare to walk without assistance. It is thus still considered normal. But if you feel very worried about it, you can menannyakannya to the pediatrician to be checked for the child, whether he has a central nervous disorder.

When one month old baby
He will perform movements which is a reflex, like opening his mouth, looking nipples, sucking, and swallowing. If the cheek is touched, then she will move her head in the same direction. He was able to smile. His eyes were directed to a particular direction, such as walls or windows, because they can not see objects that are located far from clear. He often put his fingers into fists and mouths. He posed holding a finger on her palm. He would cry if you feel hungry. If the state put to sleep on his stomach, he will move his head to the side. Continuous sleep and only wake up for feeding or bottle to get smoked.

When 2-month-old baby
He was able to tilt to the right and left. He has been able to distinguish between faces and voices. With his eyes, he can follow the movement of objects near the eye. He can hold the given item for a few seconds, and release it again. He can ask for attention by moving his arms and legs. And he will inhale every object in her hand.

When your baby is 3 months old
He can lift his head and body if placed in a prone position. Hold the toy in his hands. He saw here and there, and he will try to find the sound or music when heard. He can sit in some time if supported. He straightened his head when seated, and cry if left behind.

When 4-month-old baby
He was able to hold objects placed in his hands. He can shift his body to reach and handle objects. Inserting objects into his mouth. If appointed in a standing position with both feet will tread. He started babbling, and laughs. Like playing with toys that are there.

When your baby is 5 months old
He will stop crying when I hear her voice, cried when his toys were taken. Can move objects from one hand to another hand. Imitate the movements of other people he saw. Bringing his feet into his mouth and sucking her toes. Smiles and rambling to get attention. He can laugh in the face of the mirror.

When your baby is 6 months old
Turned from a supine position tengkupan position, or vice versa. When seated sapat sit alone without supported. He likes to drop the toys are given, and ask to be taken back. He likes playing with her brothers. Happy if established, and suda began many a sound.

When 7-month-old baby
Be able to lift his body with his hands and knees. Shifting his body backward (backward) or forward (forward). Bringing toys that she likes continuously and get upset if toy is taken. Trying to stand, like making a knocking sound or shuffle the existing object in his hand. Pulling hair and ears, playing with his feet.

When your baby is 8 months old
He was able to crawl, sit without support, lifting the body with the help box, or a seat to the standing position. Hold the bottle and drink alone. Encouraging thing he did not like. Retrieve small objects, screaming for someone else.

When nine-year-old baby
He can stand for a while as his hand held. Can sit alone and in circles. Insert his fingers into the hole. Understand and react to one or two word if governed.

When 10-month-old baby
He was able to sit alone without assistance. Crawling with good, up in a chair or stairs, walking with assistance, lifting his legs if you're putting it on my pants. Imitating sounds coughing. Saying "dada", "mama", likes to play with certain toys, holding the cake and eat it. Understand who ordered and did so, began to fear of strangers.

When 11-month-old baby
Standing for long without assistance. Running if held one or two hands. Change the vertical position to sit without assistance. Can hold small objects with thumb and forefinger. He can menelanbeberapa times in a row if it is given a drink by the cup. Using both hands together to perform different functions, such as taking objects from her right hand and lifted the body with his left hand. Afraid when approached by strangers, but happy with other children. Understand more spoken words.

When 12-month-old baby
Many walked though not yet stable pace, lots of crawling, a lot of playing with toys that pleased him, pleased to open his clothes, feeling afraid of the people he knew and the circumstances are not unusual. Hold the pencil and chalk to make a sketchbook. To retrieve a toy, sucking his thumb and put food in his mouth more often use a particular hand (right or left). Reject if put to sleep, can speak two to three words.

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