Friday, May 21, 2010

Garbage Problem

Ever heard the fuss about Bantar Gebang garbage in the landfill? Communities around Bantargebang squeeze doubt by the existence of the landfill because the existence of a pile of garbage is very disturbing that so many lives. Water into the air also smells and odors. That is one of the many problems that can be generated waste.
Garbage is the remains of objects or goods that have been used in humans. Trash can be divided into two forms. The first inorganic and organic. Inorganic waste is waste that comes from objects that can not be described. Examples are plastic, cans, and others. While organic waste is waste that is formed from organic substances and can be described. Examples of this waste is the fallen leaves, paper, etc..
Maybe this waste problem, including trivial. But, if we realize that everyone is out of garbage and trash will eventually mounting number. We love to see piles of garbage at the curb foul-smelling. The stench is produced by decaying organic garbage. To overcome the problem of waste that more and more, people start thinking about a lot of ways. Starting from separating organic and inorganic waste to recycle garbage.
Sometimes we do not know what is the point separating the organic waste with the inorganic? The purpose is to facilitate further processing waste. Inorganic waste can not decompose and disappear from the earth quickly unlike organic waste. So the next processing is repeated to recycle other items. Other organic waste. Because it can decompose, organic waste is used as compost.
To recycle inorganic waste, we can make yourself at home or for a more professional more sophisticated equipment can be used in large factories. Garbage can be recycled itself is such a plastic bottle. Plastic bottles can be transformed into handicrafts and can be sold. Surely this will add to earnings. For a more professional management, usually a metal trash cans or metal form. Tin or iron was melted and then formed into another rage. This is to save the use of metal because it does not need to mine new metal.

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