Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flood Impacts and Causes

Flood is in a state where a region inundated by water in amounts so large. While floods are floods that come all of a sudden the river caused by the blockage or because of pengundulan forests along the river so damaging homes and causing casualties.

Floods almost every rainy season in Indonesia. Based on the value of losses and frequency of flood events shows that there is significant improvement. Occurrence of flood disasters is highly influenced by natural factors such as above normal rainfall and the presence of tidal sea water. Besides man-made factors also play an important role, such as inappropriate land use (residential areas along the river, the catchment areas, deforestation, etc.), disposal of garbage into the river, construction of settlements in the flood plain area and so forth.

Identify Causes Flood

• High rainfall
• Surface soil was lower than sea level.
• Located in a basin surrounded by hills with narrow keiuar water jetting.
• Many settlements are built on the plains along the rivers.
• river flow is not smooth due to the many garbage and building on the riverside.
• Lack of land cover in the headwaters area.

Actions To Reduce Flood Impacts

• Structuring an integrated watershed and appropriate land use.
• Development of monitoring and early warning system on the part of the river which often cause flooding.
• Not to build houses and settlements along the river and flooded areas.
• Do not throw garbage into the rivers. Entered the river dredging program.
• Installation of pumps to lower area of the sea surface.
• greening program headwaters of the river should always be carried out and to reduce activity in the flood-prone river.

What to Do When Flood

• Turn off the electricity in the house or contact the officer to turn off electrical power in areas hit by disaster,
• evacuate to a safe area as early as possible while still allowing water to cross.
• Avoid running near channel water to avoid floods swept. Immediately secure the valuables place higher.
• If the water kept rising contact related agencies for disaster management such as Head Office Village, Village Chief or Head.
What to Do After the Flood
• Immediately clean the house, where the floor is generally covered with mud and use an antiseptic to kill germs.
• Locate and prepare clean water to avoid outbreaks of diarrhea that is often contagious diseases after flood events.
• Be aware of the possibility of poisonous animals like snakes and centipedes, or animal diseases spreading like rats, cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes.
• Try to always be alert when the possibility of subsequent flooding.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tips For Managing Credit No entanglement

Currently, the needs of consumer goods increasingly tempting. With discounts everywhere, almost every item can be obtained easily, especially if using credit card facilities. Once the friction-origin goods not exceeding the limit-craving I could just take home. However, often, convenience is what it often makes us forget ourselves.
So that we do not entangled-credit and credit card or other debt some anticipatory steps we need to do.

1. Buy goods in accordance with the needs

Many financial planners say to be safe from the temptation to buy goods, the easiest way is to ask yourself, "Do I need or simply want to?" This question could be "saved" so that we can not easily be tempted to buy goods that will only end up be a mere display. And, furthermore, must be saved also so as not to fall into the financial penalty that could imprison us.

2. Do not take credit cards as additional funds

Credit cards are cards that can provide convenience. However, this card is not a substitute for cash. Therefore, please note well that there are obligations to pay credit card behind. That way, we can not easily tempted to use credit cards excessively.

3. Separate balance to her "have fun"

If possible, make its own balance taken from the monthly income to fund some fun. This separate fund that you can use as a replacement credit card to buy things you love. Thus, no concerns have to pay the debt because of the direct deposit can be paid with these funds.

4. Always prepare a reserve fund

Differences with the funds to have fun, though also a reserve fund is set aside from monthly income, but the portion is for emergency needs. For example, to enter the hospital, donating to a relation who died, as well as various other needs. Special to the hospital fund, you'll want to set aside reserve funds to purchase health insurance policies.

5. Pay promptly when there are no funds

Debts must be paid. That's the main principle that entanglement does not credit. Therefore, while there are funds, set aside in accordance with the obligations of your monthly pay. Thus, there is nothing that would cost because of arrears to be paid interest from your debts. If necessary, also set aside funds from monthly income to pay all obligations in a bank account or a special envelope that can be prepared.

Tips & Advice About Health

Tips & Advice About Health

Beware of Different Types of Flu

During this time, many people who consider the flu or influenza is trivial disease. Stay flu medication or rest, the disease disappeared and all was well. But lately, since the popular outbreak of bird flu and swine flu, people became aware that the flu can not be underestimated. Evidently, the victim died from bird flu and swine flu is hardly a small amount. This reminds us of the deadly flu that has ever happened in the late 1800s in Russia and around the early 1900s in Spain. That said, due to flu in two countries, the victim reaches millions of people.
So, what should we be aware of the flu? Actually, in general, viruses are divided into three, ie Type A, B and C.

Type A virus is a virus belonging to the most frequent casualties. Besides can infect humans, this virus can infect horses, pigs, whales, and various other animals. But, generally, an outbreak of this virus from wild birds usually begins. Type A virus has many sub types. Based on the type of protein on its surface, Type A viruses are divided so Hemaglutinin (HA) and Neuroaminidase (NA). Combination of both types of these proteins produces various types of viruses, such as H1N1, H3N2, H7N7, to several other types. A new type of flu known and could cause panic across the world, adalahH1N1 known as swine flu and avian flu called H5N1.
However, not all Type A deadly virus. Some variant, H7N7, H9N2, H10N7, H7N2, and H7N3, was also a lot happening. Because not to cause casualties, then the type of the virus being less popular.

Special Type B and C, slightly different from Type A viruses because they are not classified. Type B and C do not have the various sub-types. The second type of virus is also not as dangerous as type A.
B virus is commonly found in humans. Although it can cause a wide spread of the disease (pandemic), but Type B virus does not cause the victim (epidemic) like virus type A.
Type C while more moderate levels of A and B because they can not cause epidemics and pandemics (infectious but not widespread). Type C viruses only cause mild illness in humans.

That's some kind of flu virus that can occur in humans. So as not infected, healthy lifestyles must continue to do. Enough to eat and rest, and regular exercise will be a perfect solution to stay healthy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Indonesian food

Roast Chicken Recipes


* A young chicken
* 1 fresh tomatoes
* 1 bell pepper
* A fruit salad


* Salt, pepper, butter taste

How to cook:

* Chicken cleaned, remove the head and feet, put salt, pepper
* Tie the two ends of the chicken thighs, enter the oven temperature to medium.
* Each 1 1 / 2 minutes basting with oil who came out of the chicken meat
* Once cooked, lift da release knot, split into two parts, cut into pieces
* Garnish with tomato slices, peppers and lettuce
* Tomato sauce given a little lemon juice and bits of garlic finely.

Monday, May 24, 2010


There are no right answers in social media, each company differs in its use. Although each point in social media can be tailored to each company.

1. Spend more conventional advertising budgets on customer service
So many problems can be avoided if the company proactively treat customers properly. Currently in social media, word of mouth has walked away and left above the physical conversation model directly, and can actually affect consumers around the world. By completing your product with excellent support and a pleasant experience, you will be creating brand advocates that will help rather than hurt you. Imagine if big companies reduce the number of TV commercials that cost is very large and they are really out to help customers. It looks like 'things that make no sense', but such an incredible moment to see so many companies continue to treat their customers poorly, and then try to fix it by spending more money on advertising. In a McKinsey report, 67% of consumer sales are directly influenced by WOM (PDF), and the best form of a reputation management is when management does not require the management of reputation at all. Treat your customers right, and you'll see results in social media and your bottom line.
2. Creating a social media strategy and not only went along with it
The problem in most companies is the lack of strategy and social media are involved because they think that they harus.Duduklah and collated a list of targets and then work to find strategies that will work to achieve it, Do not just nge-Tweet just because you heard it on the Metro, do not create a Facebook Page because your competitors do. Come with a list of objectives and strategies to achieve them. Tactics and strategy are crucial in social media, such as Sun Tzu said, "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to achieve victory. Tactics without strategy is sound before defeat ".
3. Training and education workers
Recently, due to lack of knowledge of the individuals who work on behalf of a company so there was a leak. Policies should be established to ensure that workers do not violate the terms of use, act inappropriately, gave inaccurate information, or some other dilemma that will come. In addition, anyone who is allowed to speak on behalf of the company must have a firm understanding of networking, how they work and overall company strategy. If executed poorly, social media has the power to hurt a brand, and knowledge are fundamental factors that can prevent this problem.
4. A better tracking
One of the most difficult aspects of Social Media Marketing is to track the conversations going on 'illegal'. "Research and find a solution that will help you and your company achieve the social goals of media. There are some good tracking system on the market, the trick is to test drive them and see what will work for you. In addition to tracking 'Mentions', keyword tracking broad and attract customers who seek help can be a very profitable part of the Social Media Marketing. When looking for tools, the people who enable archiving and exporting of data is something that can be very helpful when you make the internal causes of social media.
5. Take time to look your best
Use social media profile as an extension of your brand and your website. Take the time to change your background twitter or Facebook create additional tabs that support your current marketing initiatives. Just because your profile is not in your web situw, that does not mean that you do not need to spend money to make it look nicer.
6. Advertise your media social profile
One of the hardest things to be used as justification in internet marketing is to spend money without being able to send visitors to your web. Just like investing in the design and development, social profile, you must control the budget for advertising on social media sites as well. For example, Facebook ad pages is a quick and easy way to let users know that you are targeted to participate in the conversation. Although you may be able to utilize your site to get some faithful fans (see above), spend money for exposure to the target audience can be much more profitable in the long term.
7. Give people a reason to join
"If you make it, they will come" does not work on social media, or the online world in general. You must give people a reason to follow you and become a fan. Is it the lottery, breaking news, gifts, sales or corporate company updates, you must offer people something useful in return for their loyalty.
8. Give reward your fans something exclusive
By offering something exclusive to the audience of social media, you can "show values" and make them feel good about following you on social media. They're not only going to get something exclusive, they also get the feeling that they have a special relationship that does not belongs to everyone.
9. Do not ignore your site
While all the points above talk about the tactics of social media sites, one of the most important thing to remember is that you can 'be social' on your site. Things like blogs and social media forum is an original, so make sure to maintain and create good content that will give good performance in social media. In the end, your site is the main tool your online sales and see it! While trying to hold social media applications like Facebook Connect or Digg or Twitter's API to utilize the benefits of this on your site.(SOCIAL MEDIA RESOLUTION 2010

There are no right answers in social media, each company differs in its use. Although each point in social media can be tailored to each company.

1. Spend more conventional advertising budgets on customer service
So many problems can be avoided if the company proactively treat customers properly. Currently in social media, word of mouth has walked away and left above the physical conversation model directly, and can actually affect consumers around the world. By completing your product with excellent support and a pleasant experience, you will be creating brand advocates that will help rather than hurt you. Imagine if big companies reduce the number of TV commercials that cost is very large and they are really out to help customers. It looks like 'things that make no sense', but such an incredible moment to see so many companies continue to treat their customers poorly, and then try to fix it by spending more money on advertising. In a McKinsey report, 67% of consumer sales are directly influenced by WOM (PDF), and the best form of a reputation management is when management does not require the management of reputation at all. Treat your customers right, and you'll see results in social media and your bottom line.
2. Creating a social media strategy and not only went along with it
The problem in most companies is the lack of strategy and social media are involved because they think that they harus.Duduklah and collated a list of targets and then work to find strategies that will work to achieve it, Do not just nge-Tweet just because you heard it on the Metro, do not create a Facebook Page because your competitors do. Come with a list of objectives and strategies to achieve them. Tactics and strategy are crucial in social media, such as Sun Tzu said, "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to achieve victory. Tactics without strategy is sound before defeat ".
3. Training and education workers
Recently, due to lack of knowledge of the individuals who work on behalf of a company so there was a leak. Policies should be established to ensure that workers do not violate the terms of use, act inappropriately, gave inaccurate information, or some other dilemma that will come. In addition, anyone who is allowed to speak on behalf of the company must have a firm understanding of networking, how they work and overall company strategy. If executed poorly, social media has the power to hurt a brand, and knowledge are fundamental factors that can prevent this problem.
4. A better tracking
One of the most difficult aspects of Social Media Marketing is to track the conversations going on 'illegal'. "Research and find a solution that will help you and your company achieve the social goals of media. There are some good tracking system on the market, the trick is to test drive them and see what will work for you. In addition to tracking 'Mentions', keyword tracking broad and attract customers who seek help can be a very profitable part of the Social Media Marketing. When looking for tools, the people who enable archiving and exporting of data is something that can be very helpful when you make the internal causes of social media.
5. Take time to look your best
Use social media profile as an extension of your brand and your website. Take the time to change your background twitter or Facebook create additional tabs that support your current marketing initiatives. Just because your profile is not in your web situw, that does not mean that you do not need to spend money to make it look nicer.
6. Advertise your media social profile
One of the hardest things to be used as justification in internet marketing is to spend money without being able to send visitors to your web. Just like investing in the design and development, social profile, you must control the budget for advertising on social media sites as well. For example, Facebook ad pages is a quick and easy way to let users know that you are targeted to participate in the conversation. Although you may be able to utilize your site to get some faithful fans (see above), spend money for exposure to the target audience can be much more profitable in the long term.
7. Give people a reason to join
"If you make it, they will come" does not work on social media, or the online world in general. You must give people a reason to follow you and become a fan. Is it the lottery, breaking news, gifts, sales or corporate company updates, you must offer people something useful in return for their loyalty.
8. Give reward your fans something exclusive
By offering something exclusive to the audience of social media, you can "show values" and make them feel good about following you on social media. They're not only going to get something exclusive, they also get the feeling that they have a special relationship that does not belongs to everyone.
9. Do not ignore your site
While all the points above talk about the tactics of social media sites, one of the most important thing to remember is that you can 'be social' on your site. Things like blogs and social media forum is an original, so make sure to maintain and create good content that will give good performance in social media. In the end, your site is the main tool your online sales and see it! While trying to hold social media applications like Facebook Connect or Digg or Twitter's API to utilize the benefits of this on your site.(from various sources)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

9 Tips Healthy & Safe Game

Playing computer games or video game consoles such as PlayStation, Nintendo, Sega, Xbox, and others, for some people is a fun and exciting activities. Behind it all, playing games can be bad (negative), although there is also a bright side (positive).

To get maximum impact and minimize both the adverse effect of playing games, you should read the following tips and tricks:

1. Game Time Limit

If it was good to play games are usually people forget when to stop and do other useful activities. At the beginning of time playing game set around one or two hours. If you need to know the tide-hour time limit.

Play the game over time can have a negative impact on our bodies, because of the brain that full concentration on the game will ignore the important activities or the body needs such as food, drink, worship, bathe, sleep, rest, exercise, socialize, and others. Sometimes people just realized after playing the game feels dizzy.

2. Do not Play Games Gone Final

Try to select games that do not make us addicted to playing it for months and years and spent lots of time to play it all day in order to produce a good game.

Of course it would limit us to know the other new games, make a curious hold, and can sometimes feel embarrassed if the status of your account we played games that have lower returns than other gamers. It would be nice if we use the time available for other activities.

3. Avoid the Fishing Game Difficult Emotions

The gameplay is hard to sometimes make us mad and finally emotional and angry is not clear. Buttons and the joystick could be a target if more crazy and could be banged, beaten, trampled, and various other violent acts.

Not only is the engine computer console or a PC / laptop are so damaged. Hand, foot and body can hurt when violence on inanimate objects are hard and dense. Stop playing games when it emotionally and watch tv directly to suppress anger.

4. Play the Game "Sharpen the Brain

There are many games that can enhance the ability of our brain to think like a puzzle game, game case, game memory, game strategy, and so on. There's also a funny game that can entertain us when to play it.

Analysis of the games you play, if it can have a positive impact and can provide entertainment or thinking ability. If it does not give anything, it means the game's only wasting your time.

5. Invite Others Play Together

Abuzz gaming is much better than playing alone. By inviting friends, family, neighbors, boyfriends, and so play the game we will strengthen our relationships with others. Obviously, during the game that is played matches to be played together and did not make the emotions.

Play games alone will eliminate our social life and can reduce the number of friends from time to time. Acquaintances of friends and playing games online is not real friends because that person may be, are not honest with us. Friends in real life is far more valuable than virtual friends.

6. Do not Play Gambling

Game that involves betting money in it practically gambling. Nowadays, the game comes in the form of electronic games such as soccer agile, card gambling, gaming chips, and other games that can be played online and freely circulating on the Internet.

Judi can suddenly make us poor. Online gambling, for example, all have in-setting. Bandar would never loses because the system has been set how many airports profit. All our disadvantage. Because, other than sin, gambling and playing games can also make us forget time, forget family, and of course, forgot all about God.

7. Do not waste money

Love you and your money should be saved for future provision and as a precaution when not got money. Calculate all the expenses of nge-game, such as the cost of transport, electricity, internet access, food, drink, pay the rental, and others.

Calculate also the value of your time to play the game useless waste of time if you spend on activities that produce.

There are people who like to play the game to pursue the prize tickets / coupons to be redeemed with a gift whose value is much lower than we have money to spend to play the game. Calculate the long-term savings that you can do if all the money you collect.

8. Do not Play Games Gallery

Imagine the people who have struggled to make big money game with the capital, the brain is drained of mind, and energy and sweat for months or even years.

We live casual game buy a copy of a plowman's a very cheap price. Game developers can not be anything, gaming can be a criminal steel builders big money and rich. We were finally able to sin.

If you do not have much money, try not to play commercial games that are not distributed free. Find games that are free or free license. On the internet we can download free games, demos, and games can be played online directly on the internet without installing its game.

9. Love Your Body

If a game makes us dizzy with the game's point of view that is incompatible with the ability of our brains, stop immediately and do not play anymore. Why should we play the game but it makes our body becomes ill.

Could be the game that is played to make sore, tired and weak when played for too long. Can also make us sick fingers and many other bodily complaints. The point is we must know the limits of endurance of our existing games. Do not play too many games that are not good for our bodies.(from various sources)

How to Prolong Battery Life Laptop & Gadgets

From the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory suggests a gadget device battery has a longer life.

The technique is simple, unplug the adapter from the gadgets and devices often do not charge if the battery is still there.

When gadgets such as notebook users should remove the battery? When the battery is full, you should remove the adapter to charge the battery. Batteries will be grateful for small steps.

The reason is simple, use the battery (dis-charger) or charge the battery (re-charge) will shorten battery life. Both treatments were going to spend a shorter battery life. If one step can be maintained, then the lifetime of the battery will last longer.

Heat is also disrupting the ability of the battery. Facing the temperature is too hot will aggravate the battery itself. It is recommended not to skip limit of 15 degrees at room temperature. Not surprisingly, in tropical countries, the battery has a lower resistance. Are warmer temperatures create problems, it was too cold temperatures create another problem for Li-ion battery.

Sniper techniques, if the battery does not need to be used. Better equipment removed from gadgets such as notebooks, then use direct power from the adapter to an electronic device.(from various sources)

Smart Tips Choosing a USB Flash Disk

Flash disk (FD) center is a must for those who are involved in the computer world. School children to college today have on average, these tips can help them choose the appropriate to the needs of FD.

It's no longer wearing period diskettes to store data that can be carried everywhere. Usefulness of any CD or DVD is still troublesome because of difficulty of the process of burning. In addition, the CD is not easy in the data exchange. You must delete or reformat the CD if there is data. If you want to enter data, you must burn it. The bottom line is very troublesome diskettes and CD media, if used for data exchange.

Seeing this, the flash disk is (or are often people say usb disk) that can meet the needs for capacity and convenience of a portable data exchange. This paper can be a material consideration in buying a flash disk.


This is determined by the type of user. If you are a school child who only uses to store the tasks of schools and several pictures or music, so even a 1GB capacity is adequate.

as examples and considerations based on the needs:

1. School Children (duty, music, pictures) = a 1GB
2. School Children (duty, music, pictures, downloaded from the Internet) = 2 - 4GB
3. General (duty, music, pictures, download from the internet, design work) = 4GB - 8GB
4. General (duty, music, pictures, download from the internet, programming)> = 4GB - 8GB
5. General (working purely on the world wide web, design, programming, or other serious things)> 4 GB; are advised to use an external hard disk only. The price is much cheaper when compared to the flash disk.

Flash Disk Features
not too tempted by an innate feature of the flash disk. For example, antivirus, small programs, small games, and others. This all can be obtained easily without having to pay more of them. Moreover, they are generally free programs are not so used by us.

The most important is the cover flash disk. Choose which connects the lid to the body of the flash disk. The more often you open the lid, he will increasingly loose cover. It often happens cap flash disk lost due to long use. Buy that has a simple shape but ensure the parts of the flash disk will not be lost, especially the lid.

Do not drool on a lifetime warranty. In fact, few people come back to the store where he bought to collect on the warranty when the flash disk is damaged. They tend to choose to buy a new one. Basically, all the good flash disk. Of course important to see what the manufacturer has to offer. However, do not drool on warranty issues.

It's brand plays a role, but actually that needs attention is security and standardization of products, look more at your flash packs, and if necessary to know via internet search. choose a brand that many people around you are taking. If the brand is rarely heard, it could be your computer can not recognize it. and hard to find drivers. (from various sources Author by: Fuad Hassan)

Recognize Processor Intel Core 2 Duo Up From Core i7

For years Intel has been working behind the scenes to make the brand structure and exploring many ways to be easily understood by users. Intel has decided to provide information about their brand of complex structure by dividing it in three main categories, namely "entry-level (Intel Core I3), a mid-level (Intel Core i5), and the high-level (Intel Core i7)."

According to Intel spokesman Bill Calder noted that Intel's strategic focus is to create a brand of 'hero' by the name of the Intel ® Core ™. After that, Intel create derivative versions of the brand Intel Core Core ™ 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, and so forth.

For Core processor family itself there are multi-level such as an Intel ® Core ™ I3, Intel ® Core ™ i5, and Intel ® Core ™ i7. Processor Core and Core i5 I3 is a new modification and follow the Intel Core i7 Core in one same family structure.

Very important note, that according to Intel, the Core brand gives the signal features and benefits. For example, the processor will come like Lynnfield (desktop) that will carry Intel's Core brand, but similar to Intel Core i7 i5 and, depending on the ability of the features and capabilities. While Clarksfield (mobile) will use Intel's Core i7 brand.

Meanwhile, for the entry-level Celeron, together with the Pentium for basic computing. While the Intel Atom processor depart from the new device, start the netbook to smartphones.

To purchase a PC, Celeron processor included in the category of good, better Pentium, and Intel Core represents the best from Intel. Meanwhile, Intel vPro technology continues to grade the best security and paired with the Intel Core, either Core or Core i7 i5.

By focusing on Intel Core, Centrino brand processor technology will be 'rested' for the PC earlier this year. However, the Centrino has a big share as wireless technology, so it can ditransisikan by product name Wi-Fi and WiMAX from 2010. (Beritanet)

By author: Fuad Hassan

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chocolate for Beauty

For beauty, chocolate can help improve your beauty. The content contained in chocolate has many benefits for skin, for example, serves to maintain softness, moisturize, tighten and refine skin. Chocolate can also slow the aging of the skin, including preventing wrinkles on the face.

Make a chocolate mask can be done at home. For those who want to try using chocolate for your face, can try the following ways:


Dark chocolate (high cocoa content), milk-white powder (full cream), salt
1. Melt chocolate
2. Mix all ingredients in chocolate that has melted and stir well
3. Refrigerate until they reach room temperature
4. Apply on face for 15-30 minutes

Milk and salt can also be replaced with butter, sugar and honey if you want to provide a moist and antiseptic effect on the face.

To skin the body, you can make a chocolate bath soap. How to brew white milk mixed with chopped chocolate until the chocolate melts, then can be mixed with liquid or bar soap is poured in the tub.

In addition to beauty, it turns out chocolate also has many other benefits including healthcare.

Beautiful Eye Makeup Techniques

If you are not satisfied with the shape eyes you have, do not be discouraged because you can perform the following techniques to the eyes still look beautiful. The following beauty tips provide guidance for those who want to beautify your appearance in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

Small eyes

Usually owned by the descendants of China, or oriental. The technique can be used are:

* When the slanting eyes and has no folds or eyelids, use scotch tape. The trick is to cut of 2-3 mm, becomes like a crescent shape and glue on top of a faint line of the eyelid. This will form folds or eyelids.
* When using eyeliner, do not make the line too long to pass through the outer corner of the eye will make the eyes look slits.
* Use makeup smoked eyes using colored eyeshadow a bit dark as dark brown, dark blue, dark purple, dark green or dark gray.
* If you want to use false eyelashes, eyelashes avoid a too big and bulky as it would look unnatural. Choose the eyelashes in diameter and a half or full lashes.
* Use the mascara a bit thick to give the impression the eye is round.

Big Eyes

Eye makeup techniques for your big eyes are:

* The opposite of slanted eyes, you can draw a straight line using eyeliner to elongate past the point of eyelashes.
* Avoid dark-colored eyeshadow. Instead use silver eyeshadow or other bright colors.

Eye marsupial

Will look swollen eyes, swollen or marsupial at the bottom due to lack of sleep or too tired. For lower eyelids or swollen eyes, then can use the following eye makeup techniques for meperbaiki appearance:

* After using foundation, you can cover the lower eyelids using concealer. Keep in mind, so not too thick, use a concealer to cover eye bags because it will cause piles and lines that are not natural. Select a color close to the color of concealer foundation to look natural.
* Use the powder to smooth areas of color on the eye.
* Choose an eyeliner with a color that is not too dark for the eye area does not look even darker. Dark brown color suitable for use, drag it slightly naturally to the eye.

Eyes far apart

Remote location of the eyes can be corrected by using the following techniques:

* Create a shading that gives the impression to match the eye.
* Extend the base of the brow so that the eyes look more closely.
* Avoid using light colored eyeshadow on the inner corner of eye.

Different Forms of Currency

Shape between the right eye and left eye was generally not the same, but it looks quite clear when the differences will interfere with performance. To correct the shape of your eyes can do the following tips:

* Use false eyelashes. The trick is to use the appropriate form of eye to eye better. While for the other eye, put the eyelashes on the outer corner of eye at a higher position.
* Create a line outside corner of the eye by using thicker eyeliner.
* After applying mascara a little thicker on the outer corner of eye to be corrected.

Eyes Down

Because of the influence of age or genetic factors, a person's eyes can look down so it looks less than stunning. To overcome this problem, you can do the following:

* Use the scotch tape on the eyelid.
* Select and wear black eyeliner thicker at the outer corner of the upper and lower eye.
* Drag it slightly darker color eyeshadow so that the eyes look bigger. Use eyeshadow drawn by starting from the third angle to the direction of the outer sheath to form an angle of 90 degrees.

With some eye makeup techniques, you can make your eyes more beautiful. Now, you can appear more attractive with perfect eye makeup.

World of Work Tips

Many ways become a model employee, and anyone can become good employees. Merely being an employee not only works to get money, but rather to an individual who worked and contributed something useful not only for the company, and yourself, but to the community and even to the state. Work hard to help build a better economy for you and the country. The more enterprising employees to work more and go forth this nation to flourish.

Work is also not just wait for salaries, but rather becomes its own satisfaction, especially when other people recognize our work. With love your job then you can look at your life becomes more pleasant and not merely to feel burdened by your job. The following tips are shown around the world of work that we hope will help change your view of your current job or help you get the job you want.

10 power-saving Tips

Because of the limited supply of alias crisis, the government is currently promoting the Energy Saver program. Some ways the government to solve the energy crisis, including transferring the factory to the final working day week, electricity savings in the mall / shopping centers, and others.

let's program a success "Save Energy" by making energy efficiency at home. The trick is:

Check whether your home electrical power capacity is appropriate to their needs. Does including 900 class-1300VA, 1300-2200VA or> 2200VA. If you find that usage is below the capacity of electric power, you can request to drop the electricity officer. Thus, the savings could be made.

Start counting how electric demand you need per day. Note the use of electrical equipment at home you do as needed and not excessive. Understand calculation of power consumption bill in detail.

Always choose energy-efficient electrical equipment or electrical power to a sufficient amount such as: lights, air conditioners, refrigerators, TV / radio, computers, washing machines, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, water heater, water pump, and others.

Always take care of properly and paying attention to correctly use electrical equipment. This helps to more efficient use of electricity. Following points are things that need attention.

Special lighting:

1. Replace all the lights in your home with Energy Saving lamps
2. Replace the conventional ballasts with electronic ballasts.
3. Complete fluorescent lamp / neon with a condenser.
4. Install the appropriate lamp / close as possible to the illuminated object.
5. Arrange furniture so as not to block the light.
6. The bright color of the walls to help improve work efficiency lamps.

Special AC (air conditioning):

1. Arrange use of AC in the room according to room temperature, not too cold. Because the lower the temperature, the more electrical energy used. The recommended room temperature is 25 degrees celcius. Use the temperature below it will suck up more electricity.
2. Use a timer so that the air conditioner can use more as needed.
3. Try not often turn on the AC and turn it off. Because each pull of the beginning of this equipment requires a high enough power.
4. Do not open the door / window and let sunlight into the room while the AC is being used. This will aggravate the air conditioning working.

Special fridge / freezer:

1. View the contents of your refrigerator, do not fill it too full (exceeding capacity). This can hinder the circulation of cold air that resulted in the refrigerator workload heavier.
2. Place the refrigerator at least 15 cm from the wall / walls of the house and away from heat sources (stove / sun).
3. Do not directly enter the food is still hot into the fridge.
4. Set the refrigerator temperature is not too low because it will suck up more electricity.
5. If you are traveling far and long term, turn off the refrigerator when not in use.

Special TV / radio, computers, washing machines, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, water heater, water pump:

1. Television type LCD uses less electricity than other types of plasma.
2. Set your computer in "sleep mode" automatically when not in use but still in a state of burning.
3. Use the washing machine according to capacity. Do not wash clothes if the numbers a bit. You better gather up enough numbers or wash by hand only.
4. Use the microwave and vacuum cleaner only if absolutely necessary because sufficient amount of electrical energy required.
5. Water heater (water heater) should not be left on all night. Turn on only when needed, after which it can be turned off.
6. Use a water tank and turn on the water pump only when water in the tank is running low. It would be better if using a float circuit breaker that will automatically cut off electric current to pump water when the water is full.

Do not leave electrical equipment used that do not always connected to the socket. Better removed from the socket. If this is done consistently, you can save electricity consumption up to 5% of the bill.

The last and most important is always frugal lifestyle, including energy efficient. As for example, do not ever forgotten to turn off lights when no longer needed, turn off the TV when not being watched, turn off air conditioner if the room were empty / unused and so forth.

Fuel Saving Tips

While fuel prices unlikely to fall, you have to find a solution so that your money is not too wasteful to use and care of the car. The following tips are worth you see:

1. If you're looking for a new car - think of it first.

2. Use the comparison to assess whether fuel-efficient so you get the most effective type of car fuel.

3. Do not stare at the wheel of a loud. Make sure your car's wheels good condition. Wheel assembly does not fit or are too far-fetched to make your car wasteful of gasoline.

4. Keep the car is cold - But do not burn all the gasoline when the car heats up. AC spent fuel, so you should not too often turn on the AC. With exterior and interior car lighter has a lower temperature and thus reducing the need for air conditioning which also requires fuel.

5. Keep the pace. Optimal speed for fuel efficiency is 55 miles per hour. When driving on the open road, you must remain at a speed of 55 miles per hour.

6. Do not overload the car - the more weight your car more and more gasoline will be spent. Vehicles SUVs and trucks have larger engines typically require more fuel. So you better avoid fulfilling a car trunk to keep the car load and optimize fuel efficiency.

7. You should travel in groups and taking public transportation whenever possible. If the distance to the goal closer, cycling or walking would save fuel at the same time giving you the chance to enjoy the warm sunshine.

8. Stop spinning! You better send someone to do tasks that are not essential in order to reduce the amount of your trip.

9. Slow but constant will memenangan race. Driving and braking suddenly disrupt gasoline savings optimally.

10. Should increase speed gradually and stops slowly.

11. Leaving the engine alive when to stop spending more on gasoline than revive. So should you switch off your car engine in a situation like this.

12. Motorists who use a manual transmission should continue to use high gears as they drove quickly to take advantage of gasoline as possible.

13. Rawat and serviskan your car regularly. Worn spark plugs, brakes are not functioning well, and low transmission fluid can all interfere with the fuel efficiency of cars.

Diet Without Hunger

Tired with all sorts of diets and no results? Can not afford a diet with a hunger that makes the stomach tortured?

Hunger during dieting is often made people reluctant to go along. Limiting the intake of main meals make people exactly surreptitiously snacking. This is what is often the reason for the failure of your diet.

Maybe you should try this one diet. In seven days, the weight will shrink up to 2.5 kilograms without you feeling hungry.
Raw foods should diasup in this diet is a food that makes the stomach feel full longer.

The material has a high satiety index (SI) or very high filling ability. Examples of orange, the SI was higher than the banana.

Because of rapid filling, you do not need to snack again. These foods were also low in calories and fat.

Diet without hunger is the perfect venue for those who have a high appetite and hobbies consume snacks in between meals.

During this diet, you can still eat three times a day as usual. All you need do is change the menu. Do not forget to keep drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. You'll also be able to enjoy the coffee or your favorite. But to avoid added sugar, milk, or cream.

Sample menu:
- Porridge oats with a glass of low fat milk and sliced fresh fruit.
- Two oatmeal cookies with a small packet of cheese without fat and one citrus fruit
- Two slices of fat-free bacon, a poached egg fruit, and one glass of orange juice
- Two low-fat cheese slices and two tomatoes
- 30 grams of cereal without sugar, low-fat milk and berries
- One box of yogurt without sugar, one tablespoon of honey, one pear
- Two scrambled eggs, one slice of bacon, and orange juice

about the world of welding

From the field experience of many of the inspector or contractor in the field is less comfortable with the downhill progression due to the assumption that less penetration.

This assumption is indeed justified, but must also be understood from the design calculation, not all members want deep vertical fillet weld penentration, sehinnga downhill progression in certain circumstances can help productivity without reducing the necessary requirements.

Article below can give you a little picture of technik downhill progression.

We use either downhill or Uphill welding in the vertical position. Downhill welding is carried out with a Downward progression, conversely, Uphill moves in an upward progression. Downhill welding is often Used for fillet welding of steel sheets due to the Following advantages over Uphill welding.

(1) Faster speed welding

(2) Easier to obtain small-leg fillet weld

(3) shallower penetration

(4) Lower heat input due to faster welding speed

(5) Less welding distortion

However, downhill welding cans inhibit penetration and slag inclusions generated unless a WELDER arc to Can control the tracks Correctly on the welding line at fast speeds (eg 60 cm / min or higher with A 1.2-mmφwire). The Following Can Prevent measures defects in vertical fillet welding downhill.

(1) Use the straight run without weaving technique.

(2) Control the welding torch so That the work angle is 45 degrees and the drag angle, 5-15 degrees as

shown below.

Another difficulty with downhill welding is That it tends to cause a concave bead having an insufficient throat (concavity) in the vertical fillet welding. To overcome this problem, two-layer welding is recommended as shown in the Following figure. Even in the second layers, again, use the straight run without weaving technique.

With respect to the welding wires suitable for downhill welding, the Following choices are recommended in conjunction with suitable mode of droplet transfer and application.

(1) Solid wires for welding sheet metals by using a short-circuiting the arc at the low current range (eg 50 - 160A for 1.2mmφ wire), Standard and Poor 'MG-51T (ER70S-6)

(2) Flux-Cored wires for welding sheet metals by using a short-circuiting the arc at the low current range (eg 50 - 180A for 1.2mmφ wire), Standard and Poor 'MX-100T (E71T-1, E71T-1M)

(3) Flux-Cored wires for welding thin plates by using a globular arc at the middle range to high current (300A for 1.2mmφ eg200-wire), Standard and Poor 'DWA-50 (E71T-1M), DW-100 (E71T -1), DW-110 (E71T-1), and MX-Z210 (E70T-1)

Before employing downhill welding, weldpenetration, joint alignment tolerance and the WELDER's skill Should be thoroughly examined to Ensure That the weld Satisfies the requirements. For your information, AWS D1.1 (Structural Welding Code - Steel), for example, specifies That a change from Uphill to downhill or vice versa is the essential variable requiring requalification of the welding procedures specification.


Earthquake on December 26, 2004 in Southeast Asia, the largest in the last 40 years and the fifth largest since 1900, there were nine on the Richter scale. Earthquake and tsunami that followed caused the disaster that killed more than 220,000 people. Fault area of 1000 square kilometers which arise due to the movement of plates beneath the earth's surface and a giant energy generated by the huge chunks of land changing places, combined with the energy giant that occurred in the ocean to form a tsunami. The tsunami waves that hit Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives and Seychelles, and even the coast of Africa like Somalia, which lies approximately 5000 kilometers so far.

The term "tsunami," which in Japanese means harbor wave, becoming part of the giant post-tsunami world language Meiji on June 15, 1896 that hit Japan and caused 21,000 people lost their lives.

To understand the tsunami, it is important to be able to distinguish it from the tidal movements and ordinary waves caused by wind. The wind that blew over the ocean surface currents that cause limited to the upper ocean layer by generating waves is relatively small. For example, the divers with air tubes can easily dive down and reach the layer of still water. Ocean waves may reach as high as 30 meters or more during the storm, but this does not cause water movement at depth. In addition, the speed of regular sea waves caused by wind is not more than 20 km / hr. In contrast, the tsunami waves can travel at speeds 750-800 km / hr. Tidal wave moving in the earth's surface twice in the span of a day and, like the tsunami, can cause currents to reach the bottom of the ocean depths. However, unlike the tidal wave, tsunami waves are not the cause of gravity and the moon.

Tsunamis are sea waves formed long berperiode due to energy propagating into the ocean due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the collapse of the layers of the earth's crust caused by the natural disasters in the ocean or in the seabed, an event that involves the movement of the earth's crust as the plates shift on the seabed, or the impact of a meteor collision. When the bottom of the ocean floor moved at high speed, the entire burden on top of sea water affected. What happens at the bottom of the ocean floor can be seen the effect on sea levels, and overall burden of sea water, to depths of 5000-6000 meters, move together in waves. One series of hills and valleys of the wave until it can cover an area measuring 10,000 square kilometers.


On the high seas in the form of tsunami is not a wall of water as most people imagined, but generally represents less than one berketinggian wave meter with a wavelength of about 1000 kilometers. Here can be understood that the sloped surface wave is very small (1 cm in height that stretched as far as 1 km). In ocean areas inside and out, a wave like this can happen without a perceived, though moving at a speed of 500 to 800 km / hr. This is because the effects disguised by unusual sea surface waves. To better understand how high the speed of tsunami waves, we can say that the waves are capable of matching the speed of the Boeing 747 jet aircraft. The tsunami that occurred on the high seas will not be felt even by ships.

TSUNAMI 100 000 TON AIR move to the mainland

Research shows that the tsunami was not comprised of a single wave, but rather consists of a series of waves with a single center in the middle, like a stone thrown into a swimming pool. The distance between two successive waves can reach 500-650 miles. This means that tsunamis can cross oceans in a matter of hours. Tsunami only release the energy when approaching the coast. The energy is divided evenly on the roll of a giant water becomes more dense along with the mengerutnya coil spring, the high and rising fast surface waves can be observed. Berketinggian waves less than 60 cm on the high seas to lose speed when approaching shallow waters, and the distance was reduced antargelombangnya. However, the wave of the tsunami led to overlap each other by forming a wall of water. These giant waves, which normally reaches a height of 15 meters but rarely exceed 30 meters, off the coast of great power when hit at high speed, causing severe damage and claimed many casualties.

Tsunamis move more than 100,000 tons of sea water to the mainland for every meter of the coastline, with a destructive force that is difficult to imagine. (The largest tsunami wave ever known, which hit Japan in July 1993, an increase of up to 30 meters above sea level.) Early warning sign is usually not a wall of water, but an abrupt rise and fall of sea water.


Giant sea waves caused by the largest earthquake recorded in history are as follows

The oldest giant waves never be known due to earthquake in the sea, which was named "tsunami" by the Japanese and "hungtao" by the Chinese people, is occurring in the eastern Mediterranean on 21 July 365 AD and killed thousands of people in the town of Iskandariyah , Egypt.

Portugal's capital Lisbon, destroyed by a devastating earthquake on November 1, 1775. Atlantic ocean waves that reached an altitude 6 meters devastated beaches in Portugal, Spain and Morocco.

August 27, 1883: Indonesia's Krakatoa volcano eruption and tsunami waves that swept the coasts of Java and Sumatra, killing 36,000 people. The volcanic eruption was so powerful during the nights sky glowing red lava due to dust.

June 15, 1896: "Sanriku Tsunami" struck Japan. Berketinggian giant tsunami that swept the 23 meters of the crowd that gathered in the celebration of religion and swallowing 26 000 casualties.

December 17, 1896: Tsunami damage to the embankment of Santa Barbara in California, United States, and caused flooding on major roads.

January 31, 1906: Earthquake in the Pacific ocean to destroy some of the city of Tumaco in Colombia, including the entire house on the beach that lies between Micay Rioverde in Ecuador and Colombia; 1500 people died.

1 April 1946: The tsunami that destroyed the Scotch Cap lighthouse on the Aleutian Islands along with five guards, moving toward Hilo in Hawaii, killing 159 people.

May 22, 1960: berketinggian 11 meters Tsunami kills 1,000 in Chile and 61 in Hawaii. Giant waves across the Pacific ocean to the shore and shook the Philippines and the island of Okinawa in Japan.

March 28, 1964: Tsunami "Good Friday" in Alaska eliminate the three villages from the map with 107 residents were killed, and 15 people died in Oregon and California.

August 16, 1976: Tsunamis in the Pacific killed 5,000 people in the Moro Gulf, Philippines.

July 17, 1998: Sea waves caused by earthquakes which occurred in the northern part of Papua New Guinea, killing 2313 people, destroyed seven villages and caused thousands of people homeless.

December 26, 2004: An earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale and giant sea waves that struck six countries in Southeast Asia killed more than 156 000 people.


According to information provided by Dr. Walter C. Dudley, a professor of oceanography and co-founder of the Pacific Tsunami Museum, no matter how big the earthquake strength, the movement of ocean floor is a requirement of the tsunami. In other words, the greater the displacement of the earth crust in the bottom of the ocean floor, the greater the amount of water She moved, and this will increase the magnitude of the tsunami. Another thing that increases the power of tsunami damaged coastal structures is diterjangnya: In addition to factors such as the shape of the bay beach or peninsula, flat or steep, part of the beach which is always in the water may have a structure that can increase the magnitude of the killer waves.

In another statement, which clarifies that preventive measures taken can not be regarded as a perfect solution, Dudley said that the United States and Japan have established the most sophisticated monitoring devices in the Pacific Ocean, but all this device has an error rate of fifty percent!

The development of the newborn baby

You often ask
pediatricians about child development. Versatility of normal infants develop with age. For instance, newborns can not see clearly, but in the second month he was able to see close objects, like his mother's breast while nursing. Due to the increasing age of the baby, he can gradually see more distant objects. And what did the baby at a certain age into his mother's attention.

Below are successively written what things might be a baby at each age. But you do not have to worry if the baby has not a certain age can do as they are written below. Generally, babies who are too fat, a bit behind in physical development. There are babies who can not stomach or back, was able to sit alone.

It is often disturbing you if your baby is one year old and she has not been able to walk. Babies who fear (having small balls) has long been able to run at the box with a handle, but sometimes up to age 20 months did not dare to walk without assistance. It is thus still considered normal. But if you feel very worried about it, you can menannyakannya to the pediatrician to be checked for the child, whether he has a central nervous disorder.

When one month old baby
He will perform movements which is a reflex, like opening his mouth, looking nipples, sucking, and swallowing. If the cheek is touched, then she will move her head in the same direction. He was able to smile. His eyes were directed to a particular direction, such as walls or windows, because they can not see objects that are located far from clear. He often put his fingers into fists and mouths. He posed holding a finger on her palm. He would cry if you feel hungry. If the state put to sleep on his stomach, he will move his head to the side. Continuous sleep and only wake up for feeding or bottle to get smoked.

When 2-month-old baby
He was able to tilt to the right and left. He has been able to distinguish between faces and voices. With his eyes, he can follow the movement of objects near the eye. He can hold the given item for a few seconds, and release it again. He can ask for attention by moving his arms and legs. And he will inhale every object in her hand.

When your baby is 3 months old
He can lift his head and body if placed in a prone position. Hold the toy in his hands. He saw here and there, and he will try to find the sound or music when heard. He can sit in some time if supported. He straightened his head when seated, and cry if left behind.

When 4-month-old baby
He was able to hold objects placed in his hands. He can shift his body to reach and handle objects. Inserting objects into his mouth. If appointed in a standing position with both feet will tread. He started babbling, and laughs. Like playing with toys that are there.

When your baby is 5 months old
He will stop crying when I hear her voice, cried when his toys were taken. Can move objects from one hand to another hand. Imitate the movements of other people he saw. Bringing his feet into his mouth and sucking her toes. Smiles and rambling to get attention. He can laugh in the face of the mirror.

When your baby is 6 months old
Turned from a supine position tengkupan position, or vice versa. When seated sapat sit alone without supported. He likes to drop the toys are given, and ask to be taken back. He likes playing with her brothers. Happy if established, and suda began many a sound.

When 7-month-old baby
Be able to lift his body with his hands and knees. Shifting his body backward (backward) or forward (forward). Bringing toys that she likes continuously and get upset if toy is taken. Trying to stand, like making a knocking sound or shuffle the existing object in his hand. Pulling hair and ears, playing with his feet.

When your baby is 8 months old
He was able to crawl, sit without support, lifting the body with the help box, or a seat to the standing position. Hold the bottle and drink alone. Encouraging thing he did not like. Retrieve small objects, screaming for someone else.

When nine-year-old baby
He can stand for a while as his hand held. Can sit alone and in circles. Insert his fingers into the hole. Understand and react to one or two word if governed.

When 10-month-old baby
He was able to sit alone without assistance. Crawling with good, up in a chair or stairs, walking with assistance, lifting his legs if you're putting it on my pants. Imitating sounds coughing. Saying "dada", "mama", likes to play with certain toys, holding the cake and eat it. Understand who ordered and did so, began to fear of strangers.

When 11-month-old baby
Standing for long without assistance. Running if held one or two hands. Change the vertical position to sit without assistance. Can hold small objects with thumb and forefinger. He can menelanbeberapa times in a row if it is given a drink by the cup. Using both hands together to perform different functions, such as taking objects from her right hand and lifted the body with his left hand. Afraid when approached by strangers, but happy with other children. Understand more spoken words.

When 12-month-old baby
Many walked though not yet stable pace, lots of crawling, a lot of playing with toys that pleased him, pleased to open his clothes, feeling afraid of the people he knew and the circumstances are not unusual. Hold the pencil and chalk to make a sketchbook. To retrieve a toy, sucking his thumb and put food in his mouth more often use a particular hand (right or left). Reject if put to sleep, can speak two to three words.

Computer World Development

Development of the computer to reach a state that now requires a very very long process. Following review of the stages that can explain these things:

1. Development of First Generation Computers

At this first stage, the development of computers get positive reinforcement factors of the outbreak of world war two. In other words, the military who fought well aware that by conducting research on the computer it will bring technological advances to a victory perperangan. They are well aware of the potential capabilities possessed by the computer. Therefore, in those days a lot of available funds for research, stings abundant development of the computer.

Impact of the abundant availability of funds is very significant, as seen with the discovery of the type of computer that is named "K3" to design aircraft and missiles, by Konrad Zuse, a German scholar in 1941. Then do not want to lose imuwan England in 1943 with the aim of defeating Germany, managed to find a machine that is named Colossus computer is designed to crack password codes from the German army. This Colossus is one important tool to capital Allied victory over Germany in World War II. But unfortunately the birth Colossus a major effect on world growth komupeter that time, it was caused by the nature of the characteristics of the Colossus is not itself a versatile computer (general-purpose computer) that where only designed to break the German secret codes and confidentiality of its existence maintained almost a decade due to security reasons to prevent the outbreak of war again.

From the American side continues to do computer research to continue to keep growing. In the year 1900 till 1973, an engineer from Harvard's Howard H. Aiken worked with IBM to successfully create the electronic calculator with ball field and a half feet long and has a total cable length of 500 miles for the U.S. Navy project that is named Mark I.

After the Mark I was born, and then created a computer that is multi-purpose (general-purpose computers) made by John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) and John W. Mauchly (1907-1980), named ENIAC. ENIAC was successfully created with co-operation initiative of the United States and the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC itself is a continuation of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. ENIAC can work at speeds 1000 times faster than the Mark I.

Although the Colossus should not be touched, some research does not stop there! Starting in mid 1940, a team of University of Pennsylvania and John von Neumann (1903-1957) has a great concept to produce a computer with capacity that can be used in the next 40 years! From co-operation was created in akhit team in 1945, a computer that is named the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC). Large core of potential value of EDVAC success is the existence of a central processing unit (CPU). This makes the computer can be controlled and controlled by a single source. In addition EDVAC have to accommodate the program memory or data. So that it allows computers to be able to stop at a certain time and then can be arranged to be able to resume. EDVAC encourage the growth of the commercial computer industry, therefore it's no wonder in 1951, the brand was born UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) became the first commercial computer that utilizes the work principle EDVAC, made by Remington Rand.

From the description above shows that the development of first generation computers are generally designed to perform a specific task in which it is characterized by the existence of binary-coded program that is very different (machine language). This makes the system work the first computer generation is very limited. Then the computer from the first generation is normally the use of vacuum tubes (that makes computers extremely large size) and for data storage using a magnetic cylinder.

2. Second Generation Computer Development

At this stage is strongly influenced by the invention of the transistor in 1948. With the invention of the transistor is very affecting to replace vacuum tubes in television, radio, and of course on the computer. Officially, the transistor was at work in computers since 1956. This has influenced the results of the size of a computer than if you are still using vacuum tubes. Downsizing the size of computers accelerated with the discovery of more and more like the growth and development of magnetic core memory. Some products that use this technology is IBM's computer production with the launch of schemes such as Strecth gradual and did not want to lose Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC etc. The development of computers with more obvious commercial purposes in the year 1960, with marked success in the emerging field of computer for business, government and education. At that time also emerged supporting accessories such as printers, floppy disks, etc. programs.

Developments described in the preceding paragraph also support for the birth of a programming language that can be learned like FormulaTranslator (FORTRAN) and Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL). Computer industry, started to grow rapidly during the development of second-generation computer. Also during this period is also the starting point for the emergence of new areas of work such as computer systems specialists, programmers (expert programs) and data analysis.

3. Third Generation Computer Development

The core of the third-generation stage is the discovery in 1958 of IC (Intergrated Circuit). IC discovery was motivated by not satisfied at work when used inside a transistor in which the computer will generate enormous heat that could damage other components yag. IC quarsa made of rock (rock quarsa) identified by an expert scientist from Texas instruments, Jack Kilby. This reason, mendorng-important findings so that a chip can represent the number of components required by the computer. As a result, the computer looks more friendly and comfortable ketka used because that is getting smaller in size.

4. Fourth Generation Computer Development

For the development of computers in this generation may already be around our environment. IC previous spectacular discoveries made the development of the computer world is growing rapidly. This component is found to be marked by more superior than the IC and its derivatives.

Component which is referred to as a managed component that produced a mewakilki several components (kapasistanya superior to the IC) that is large scale integration (LSI), which can contain hundreds of components in just a chip. Not how long hose (1980) later refined products are also found in the 1980s, the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), which has a remarkable ability to be able to load thousands of parts only in a single chip. And maybe the Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI), which has a more remarkable ability to increase that number into the millions.

Given the above findings are expected to impact on the emphasis that the cost of making computer-computer prices will continue to be cheaper and affordable by the middle to lower levels of society. One example of the market products that may often have we heard of until now is the Intel 4004 chip that was made in mid 1971. This was the beginning of the computer originally created and designed for commercial purposes that can be affordable for all parties.

5. Generation Computer-five Development (Computers the Future)

Whether, on the development of computers for the fifth time this is very difficult. Because it is still in a limited imagination. Maybe for you who read this ever watched a movie called "2001: Space Odyssey" by Arthur C. Clarke. In the film, is a computer picture of the future that may still be in the imagination of our minds. In the film, the computer can be programmed so that it can approach human thought. More severe in the film, the computer is able to reprogram themselves so they can just beat the human thought maybe his thinking.

Although the visual images that appear in the computer is still far from our thoughts and reality, but the signs to make it all already seen. So far there has been a computer that can be programmed to be able to respond orally and printah human reason.

Today has been a lot of advances in technology to support the development of computer technology. Among them was the discovery of parallel processing capabilities which are planned to replace the non-Neumann model! Parallel processing system where it will be able to work to coordinate the many CPUs simultaneously. It also has been found in superconducting technology, so it can deliver information faster than the previously used technology. Whatever happens, obviously sophisticated as anything the ability of a computer can not beat the ability to make, namely the human mind.

Smoking For Health Hazards...!!!

Behavior Clean and Healthy Life, which became the basic needs of public health degrees, one of its aspects is "not a family member who smokes." While I am clean and healthy lifestyle should be mandatory and health cadres to socialize.

Every time inhaling cigarette smoke, whether intentionally or not, it means also smoked more than 4000 kinds of toxins! Therefore, smoking the same as the poisons to enter this into the oral cavity and lungs of course. Smoking may harm our health, the reality is we can not deny. Many diseases have proven to be bad due to smoke, either directly or indirectly. Smoking habit is not only detrimental to the smoker, but also for those around them.

Currently, the number of smokers, especially teenage smokers continues to grow, particularly in developing countries. This situation is a challenge for improving community health status. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that in the decade from 2020 to 2030 tobacco will kill 10 million people per year, 70% of them occur in developing countries.

Through resolution 1983, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set May 31 as World Tobacco Free Day every year.

Dangers of smoking to health body has been investigated and proven by many people. Adverse effects of smoking were already clearly known. Many studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of spread of various diseases. Such as heart disease and blood vessel disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, larynx cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotence, and pregnancy disorders and defects in the fetus.

Recent research also shows the dangers of secondhand-smoke, that cigarette smoke inhaled by people for non-smokers around smokers, or commonly known as passive smokers.


Cigarettes must not be separated from raw materials of manufacture, namely tobacco. In Indonesia, cloves and tobacco plus other ingredients are mixed to make clove cigarette. In addition to cigarette, tobacco can also be used as-rolled cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, and smokeless tobacco (Chewing tobacco or chewing tobacco).

Gas component of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, ammonia, acid hidrosianat, nitrogen oxides, and formaldehyde. Particle form of tar, indole, nicotine, karbarzol, and cresol. These substances are toxic, irritating, and cause cancer (carcinogens).


Substances most frequently discussed and researched people, the nerve poison the body, improve blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels, and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. 4-6 mg of nicotine levels by an adult who smoked every day can make someone addicted. In the United States, white cigarettes on the market has a level of 80-10 mg of nicotine per stem, while in Indonesia, 17 mg nicotine-yield per stem.

Lead (Pb)

Lead generated by a cigarette as much as 0.5 ug. A pack of cigarettes (the contents of 20 sticks) which sucked up in one day will generate 10 ug. While the danger threshold of lead into the body is 20 ug per day. Can be imagined, when a heavy smoker inhale an average two packs of cigarettes per day, how many of these harmful substances into the body!

GAS carbon monoxide (CO)

Carbon Monoxide has a strong tendency to bind to hemoglobin in red blood cells. Supposedly, this hemoglobin binds with oxygen vital to respiration of body cells, but because the CO gas is stronger than oxygen, the CO gas is taking place "on the side" of hemoglobin. Be, hemoglobin coupled with CO gas. CO gas concentration in the blood of nonsmokers is less than 1 percent, while in the blood of smokers to reach 4-15 percent. Many times over!


Tar is a collection of thousands of components of solid chemicals in cigarette smoke, and carcinogenic. At the time of cigarettes smoked, tar into the oral cavity as a dense vapor. After chilling, will become solid and form a brown sludge on the surface of teeth, respiratory tract, and lungs. Precipitation varies between 3-40 mg per cigarette, while the levels of tar in cigarettes range from 24-45 mg.


Smoking can cause changes in the structure and function of airways and lung tissue. In large airways, mucous cells enlarged (hypertrophy) and increased mucus glands (hyperplasia). In small airways, there was mild inflammation caused by the increasing constriction of cells and mucus buildup. In lung tissue, an increase in the number of inflammatory cells and damage to the alveoli.

Due to changes in airway anatomy, the smoker will arise changes in lung function with all sorts of clinical symptoms. This became the main basis of the occurrence of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (PPOM). It says smoking is the cause of PPOM, including pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.

The relationship between smoking and lung cancer has been investigated in the last 4-5 decades. There were strong links between smoking, particularly cigarettes, with the incidence of lung cancer. There is even expressly stated that the cigarettes as the main cause of lung cancer.

Cigarette smoke particles, such as benzopiren, dibenzopiren, and urethane, a carcinogen known as a material. Tar is also associated with risk of cancer. Compared with nonsmokers, the possibility arises of lung cancer in smokers reach 10-30 times more frequently.


Many studies have proven the existence of the relationship of smoking and coronary heart disease (CHD). Of the 11 million deaths per year in industrialized countries, the WHO reports that more than half (6 million) due to interruption of blood circulation, in which 2.5 million were coronary heart disease and 1.5 million are stroke. MOH survey in 1986 and 1992, have increased mortality from heart disease of 9.7 per cent (ranked third) to 16 percent (ranked first).

Smoking is a major factor causing the heart blood vessel disease. Not just cause of coronary heart disease, smoking is also bad for the brain and peripheral blood vessels.

Diembuskan smoke smokers smoke can be divided into primary (main stream smoke) and smoke the side (side stream smoke). The main smoke is tobacco smoke that is inhaled directly by smokers, whereas the addition of smoke is tobacco smoke spread into the free air, which would be inhaled by another person or passive smokers.

4000 has found chemicals in cigarettes, with 40 species of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer), in which more of this toxic material found on the side of smoke, such as carbon monoxide (CO) 5 times more commonly found on the side instead of smoke The main smoke, benzopiren three times, and ammonia 50 times. These materials can last up to several hours in space after the smoking stops.

Generally the focus of research aimed at the role of nicotine and carbon monoxide. Both these materials, in addition to increased oxygen demand, also disrupt the oxygen supply to the heart muscle (myocardial) so that the adverse myocardial work.

Nicotine interfere with the sympathetic nervous system due to increasing myocardial oxygen demand. Besides smoking causes addiction, nicotine also stimulates the release of adrenaline, increased heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac oxygen demand, and cause arrhythmia. Nicotine also obstructing the nerve, brain, and many other body parts. Nicotine activated with the consequent emergence of Platelet adhesion Platelet (clotting) into the blood vessel walls.

Carbon monoxide causes hemoglobin desaturasi, directly reducing oxygen supply to the entire body including the myocardial tissue. CO replaces the oxygen in hemoglobin, interfering with the release of oxygen, and accelerated atherosclerosis (calcification / thickening of blood vessel walls). Thus, physical exercise capacity lowered CO, increased blood viscosity, thus simplifying the clotting of blood.

Nicotine, CO, and other substances in cigarette smoke proved to be damaging the endothelial (inner wall of blood vessels), and facilitate the occurrence of blood clots. In addition, cigarette smoke affect the lipid profile. Compared with nonsmokers, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride blood of smokers is higher, whereas HDL cholesterol is lower.

Coronary Heart Disease

Smoking is proven to be the biggest risk factor for sudden death.

The risk of coronary heart disease increased by 2-4 times in smokers compared with nonsmokers. This risk increases with age and number of cigarettes smoked. Research shows that smoking risk factors work synergistically with other factors such as hypertension, lipid levels or high blood sugar, to tercetusnya CHD.

Please note that the risk of death from coronary heart disease decreases by 50 percent in the first year after smoking was stopped. As a result of clotting (thrombosis) and calcification (atherosclerosis), blood vessel walls, smoking will clearly damage the blood vessels peripheral.

PPDP involving arteries and veins in the leg or arm is often found in young adult smokers, often will end up with amputation.

DISEASE (Stroke)

Blockage of blood vessels of the brain that many emergent or stroke associated with smoking. Risk of stroke and death risk higher in smokers compared with nonsmokers.

In a study conducted in the United States and England, was found smoking habits increase the likelihood of the emergence of AIDS in HIV. In the group of smokers, AIDS resulting in an average 8.17 months, whereas in the group of nonsmokers arise after 14.5 months. Immune decline in smokers initiated more easily affected by AIDS so important to quit smoking once in a defensive measure against AIDS.

Now more and more investigated and reported adverse effects on pregnant women smoking, impotence, decrease in immune individuals, including in patients with viral hepatitis, gastric cancer, and others. From the point of health economics, the impact of diseases that arise from smoking will clearly add to costs, both for individuals, families, corporations, even countries.

Diseases that arise from smoking affect the provision of manpower, especially skilled workers or executive staff, with sudden death or disability arising obvious cause large losses for the company. Decline in labor productivity raises corporate earnings decline, the economic burden that is not too little for individuals and families. Expenditures for health care costs increase, families, corporations, and government.


It should attempt to stop smoking is the duty and responsibility from all levels of society. Information and counseling, particularly among the younger generation, can also be linked with efforts to overcome the dangers of narcotics, school health efforts, and informing the general public health.

Community role model figures, including officials, religious leaders, teachers, health workers, artists, and sportsmen, deservedly become a role model by not smoking. It should also be restrictions on smoking opportunities in public places, schools, public transport and workplaces; regulation and control of tobacco advertising campaign; put health warnings on cigarette packages and cigarette advertising.

No smoking climate must be created. This should be implemented simultaneously by all of us, who wants the achievement of the Indonesian nation state and a healthy and prosperous.


The most serious consequence of chronic use of nicotine is addictive. Once someone becomes a smoker, it will be difficult to end the practice both physically and psychologically. Smoking becomes a compulsive habit, starting with the ceremonial lighting a cigarette and exhaling smoke made repeatedly.

Because the addictive nature (making a person become addicted to) in the Diagnostic and Statistical cigarette Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) are grouped into Nicotine Related Disorders. While WHO categorize it as a form of addiction. Pharmacologic and behavioral processes that determine tobacco addiction similar to the process that causes addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Nicotine affects the properties of the brain with dopamine the same processes as those drugs. In order psychoactive properties of addictive substances, nicotine is more addictive than heroin cause, cocaine, alcohol, caffeine and marijuana. According to Flemming, Glyn and Ershler smoking is an early stage to become drug abuse (drug abuse). Try smoking is significantly open opportunities using illegal drugs in the future.

Based on known epidemiological data approximately 20% of smokers have eight times the risk of drug abuse, and risky eleven times to be heavy drinkers than those who do not smoke. Special attention on this issue is associated with the increasing number of teenage smokers.

Dealing with problems in adolescent smoking is expected to prevent problems that would arise in the future regarding these habits, one of which is drug abuse prevention. According to Teddy Hidayat, Soul Medicine Specialist, Youth at high risk are adolescents who have immediate pemuasaan nature, less able to delay the desire, feeling empty and easily bored, anxious, anxiety, and depression.

An understanding of the nature of smoking habits and tendencies of personality someone will help efforts to stop these harmful habits. For the prevention of smoking habits in children and adolescents. Parents and teachers held a major role to supervise, provide the correct information and most importantly, do not serve as an example the behavior of individuals who are addicted to smoking habits.


Smoking is closely associated with disability and decreased quality of life. In a study in Germany since the year 1997-1999 which involved 4181 respondents, concluded that respondents who have the nicotine dependence have a worse quality of life, and nearly 50% of respondents smokers have at least one type of psychiatric disorders. Also note also that mental patients tended more often to be smokers, ie 50% of patients in mental disorders, 70% of patients seeking treatment maniakal outpatient and 90% of patients seeking treatment skizrofen road.

Berdasaran study from CASA (Columbian University 's National Center On Addiction and Substance Abuse), adolescent smokers have twice the risk of experiencing symptoms of depression compared to teens who do not smoke. Active smokers were more likely having a panic attack than those who do not smoke Many studies prove that smoking and depression is an interlocking relationship. Depression causes people to smoke and smokers usually have symptoms of depression and anxiety (anxiety).

Most patients with depression admitted to smoking in his life. History of depression was associated with the presence or absence of drug withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal) of nicotine when a person decides to quit smoking. As many as 75% of depression sufferers who tried to quit smoking experience withdrawal symptoms drug. This is certainly related to the increasing number of business failures to quit smoking and relapse in patients with depression.

In addition, the substance of nicotine withdrawal symptoms similar to symptoms of depression. However, it was reported that drug withdrawal symptoms experienced by patients with depression are more physical symptoms such as reduced concentration, sleep disturbance, fatigue and weight gain).

Nicotine as a drug psychiatric disorders smoking as a form of therapy for psychiatric disorders is still a controversial debate. Psychiatric disorders can cause a person to smoking and smoking can cause psychiatric disorders, although the amount is very small, about 70% of smokers do not have symptoms of mental disorder.

In general, smoking can lead to increased concentration, reduce hunger, reduce anxiety, and depression. In some studies nicotine is shown to be effective for the treatment of depression. Basically nicotine provides a promising opportunity for use as a psychoactive drug. However, nicotine has a very narrow terapheutic index, which ranges between the appropriate dose for therapeutic and toxic doses is very narrow.

Therefore considered a form of nicotine in pure form but not in the form of analogues. However, the thought of nicotine as a drug is not in the habit of smoking. Like morphine is used as a powerful analgesic (pain barrier), Requirement in the supervision of a physician. Gravity, this time nicotine can be obtained freely and easily in a cigarette, it needs to be aware because smoking does not necessarily become a justification for the treatment of symptoms of psychiatric disorders.


A study of smoking and reproductive conducted throughout the two decades that concluded that smoking can cause damage to the reproductive system of a person starting from puberty until adulthood

In the study Dr. Sinead Jones, director of The British Medical Association's Tobacco Control Resource Centre, found that women who smoke have a relatively small possibility to get a descent.

men will experience two times the risk of infertile (infertile) as well as having the risk of DNA damage in sperm cells. While the results of research on pregnant women increased incidence of miscarriage. The study said that from 3000 to 5000 events per year in the UK miscarriage, is closely linked to smoking.

120 000 British men aged between 30 sampai50 years experience impotence due to smoking. Even worse, smoking has implications in 1200 cases of cervical cancer per year.


Women who smoke are likely to begin menopause before age 45 years and also make them face the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, Norwegian researchers reported.

"In between as many as 2123 women aged 59 to 60 years, those who currently smoked, 59% more likely to experience premature menopause compared with women who do not smoke," said Dr. Thea F. Mikkelsen of the University of Oslo and colleagues.

For the heaviest smokers, the risk of premature menopause has almost doubled. However, women who formerly smoked, but stopped at least 10 years before menopause, basically less likely to stop menstruating compared with smokers before age 45 years.

There is evidence that smoking later in life makes a woman more likely to experience premature menopause, while smokers who quit before middle age may not be affected, Mikkelsen and his team said in the online journal BMC Public Health.

They investigated the relationship further and determine whether to become passive smokers may also affect the time of menopause. The researchers found that nearly 10% of women entering menopause before age 45 years.


According Menkessos, this rapid growth make Indonesia is expected to reach record, especially with a variety of health problems severe enough, among them related to smoking. While it is recognized Menkessos, restrictions limiting the activity of smoking in public places could still be more assertive.

Although the PP No 81/1999 as amended by Regulation 38/2000 on Tobacco for Health Security is introduced, but it was recognized, his law enforcement has not been available so do not have the strength.

detikcomTingginya target state revenue from cigarette excise which reached Rp 17 trillion in 2001 assessed budget has caused the government does not consistently enforce security PP No.38/2000 on cigarettes for health.

VII Commission of the Parliament urged to regulate cigarettes were made in the form of the Act, so that people will have a fairly strong bargaining position. In addition, the Parliament will be able to conduct rigorous oversight of government and the tobacco industry.

Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) will take firm action against tobacco companies that broadcast cigarette advertising in electronic media below at 21:30 local time. "If the warning is ignored, BPOM will do its laws in accordance with laws and regulations that apply," he asserted. Cigarette ad that violates the provisions of Regulation No.81 year 1999 about Cigarettes For Health and Safety Regulation No.38 year 2000 concerning the Amendment of Government Regulation No. 81 year 1999 will be subject to imprisonment of five years and a criminal fine of Rp100 million. Cigarette tax receipts in 2000 reached Rp 10.27 trillion, while health spending caused by smoking according POM data from the Directorate General of Health in the same year reached Rp 11 trillion.


Several reasons to stop smoking

1. Impotence

Smoking reduces the blood flow needed to achieve a state of erection. Because That matter, cigarettes can affect penile erection days.

2. Facial wrinkles

Smoking can reduce the flow of oxygen and nutrients needed by your skin cells constrict blood vessels around the face. So will cause wrinkles.

3. Berbercak teeth and breath odor.

Particles from cigarette smoke can give a yellow to brown spots on your teeth, and this will also trap odor-producing bacteria in your mouth. Abnormalities of the gums and teeth are also more common in smokers.

4. You and around 'become smelly.

Cigarette smoking has an unpleasant smell and stick to everything, from your hair and skin to clothes and items around you. And the smell is absolutely not something that evokes a sense of spouse and friends.

5. Brittle bones

Numerous studies have found an association between smoking and osteoporosis in men and women. A case study observing hip fractures in elderly women, and concluded that one out of eight cases of bone fractures caused by bone loss caused by smoking.

6. Depression

Some scientists consider cigarettes contain substances that can cause an increase in mood. These substances are usually implies reduced when a person suffers from depression. That is also the reason why people under stress or depression tend to seek 'refuge' to cigarettes.

7. A bad role model for children.

Every day, 3,000 children in the U.S. dliperkirakan who become addicted to smoking cigarettes. If they keep smoking, 1,000 of them will surely die from smoking-related diseases.

8. Fire

if you're careless, when smoking fixation and dispose of cigarette butts are still burning to any place can cause a fire.

9. Poor blood circulation

Red blood cell has been designed by nature to carry oxygen around the body. In smokers, the oxygen molecules is replaced by components of cigarette smoke, thus inhibiting oxygen transport that are important to cell life.

10. Impressed stupid

If smokers defend their dependence, there is one truth that they can not deny: Like the slogan says, smoking is a killer. so, if there is still a continuing habit of it, it would look stupid.


Seeing the dangers that smoking can inflict, it is among us need to shoulder to shoulder to do three main things:

ü Communication and information about the dangers of smoking, both for the direct or passive smoking smokers.

ü Provide special places for people who smoke to nonsmokers not exposed to negative impacts.

ü Do not feel reluctant to provoke the smoker, if you feel disturbed.


Here are strategies you can use to quit smoking:

1. Plan the time to stop

Plan when you will quit smoking for good. The timing may be just a few days later or two weeks. By the day quit smoking, you reduce the number of cigarettes smoked each day.

2. Drugs

Drugs to help reduce the symptoms of quitting smoking until the worst effects exceeded. You have a choice of either drugs or prescription drugs based on over-the-counter (without prescription). Discuss these options with your doctor.

3. Help yourself

In planning and maintaining your desire to stop smoking, find information about smoking and diseases caused by various credible sources like the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the local sites such as the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Heart Foundation of Indonesia, the Committee National Smoking Control Problems. Help yourself with the information to convince you to stay away from cigarettes after quitting smoking.

4. Support groups

Whether you meet online or at a support group. Seek support from people who are also trying to quit smoking.

5. Counseling

Counselling is face to face meeting with a trusted physician, psychologist, nurse or counselor. This forum will discuss any matters that prevent you to stop smoking and ways to overcome them.

6. Cold turkey

Is a direct strategy to quit smoking. If you choose cold turkey then you will experience symptoms of tobacco withdrawal symptoms, like all people who quit smoking as impatient (restlessness), increased appetite, irritability.

It is recommended that you seek help when you quit smoking, either support or treatment.

7. Sport

Exercise can help you cope with stress and weight increase after you quit smoking.

8. Invite a Friend / Family

Ask a friend or family member who did not smoke for providing their time if you are experiencing difficult times.

9. Alternative Therapies

Some smokers try hypnosis or acupuncture methods to help them quit smoking, though not many of which proved successful. However, if the method is to make you stop smoking, it means that your methods are matched.

To quit smoking, you need a personal approach. What works for others may not work for you


If you are a smoker and plan to have children, stop smoking now! (Experts recommend that you stop smoking at least one month before conception). Consult a physician or other health professionals to help eliminate your smoking habit. There are so many techniques on offer, find the most appropriate thing to do.

Here are seven ways to quit smoking we recommend:

1. Clean up and discard. Clean up and dispose of all cigarettes that you have.

2. Make a note and a warning. Write a note such as "You are now non-smokers" and stick to the places you visit frequently - in bed, the table etc..

3. Do it again and again. Stay stopped smoking on the day that you specify to do so. Do not halting it.

4. Concentrate on the job every day to divert the desire to smoke.

5. Think positive. Think of yourself as a nonsmoker. If there are bids smoking from friends, tell your friends it firmly "I do not smoke."

6. Ask for support from family, close friends and peers to help you get rid of this smoking habit.

7. Fight the urge to smoke:

* Divert attention when you want to smoke. Say to yourself "Later!" And do other positive things.

* Sigh heavily. Pull the breath for five seconds and release slowly.

* Drink plenty of water. Avoid beverages containing caffeine such as coffee, tea or cola.

* Sibukkan yourself with activities. This is vital so you can not always think to smoke. Activities that could be done for example gardening, reading books etc..

* Make exercise at least three times a week for 20 minutes each session.

* Washing your hands or shower when you want to smoke.

* Chew something like chewing gum, etc..

* Pray that you be given strength and a constant desire to quit smoking

At first the struggle to quit smoking requires a very heavy. Do not be surprised if there are signs such as irritability, difficult to control the feelings, lack of concentration, anxiety, insomnia, cough, decreased pulse rate, and increases appetite. This phase is called the phase of withdrawal. Will go away after three to four weeks.
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