Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Google Voice VOIP tandem

If you do not like google, but you have to admit that they are as a genius when talking about Internet businesses, and providing products that many people want to use.

Google Voice for example, offers many additional features that are very interesting. transkipsi features like voice mail, screen callers to hear who is calling before picking up, or one phone number that can be used anywhere else is just a few of the features it offers.

Google recently acquired a VoIP company, Gizmo5, and has triggered speculation that Google will integrate VoIP technology into the Google Voice service. Confirmation that Google will add to the Google Voice VoIP service, attended from the site eWeek.Transkipsi Voicemail, integrated and threaded SMS inbox is a fantastic feature. Gizmo5 gives us the technology. technologies and they have special skills in integrating the phone with a digital device, desktop computer, and web-based computing.

What do we get by the user? Most likely decrease the phone bill, because telephone calls can be made from your mobile device.

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