Thursday, June 3, 2010

Electricity Saving Tips On AC Unit

Use air conditioning or AC (Air Conditioner) in the household has a need for 'primary' for some of our communities. Especially for those living in areas with a fairly hot temperature. In addition to ensuring comfort, the AC can serve also as an air purifier at home. However, with the electric power needs of large, knowledge about the inadequate air-conditioning would likely add a fairly high electric bills at the end of the month.
Can even be more complicated when we have to go back and forth menservice air conditioning at home because it is often ngadat. If you already like this, not convenience that we get, but that added problem.
The following are simple tips that we can practice when we were going to buy air conditioners, or when using the AC and AC self care:

1. Buy air conditioning or air conditioner equipped with a converter. The function of the converter is a regulator of the electricity load. This means that when the temperature in the room has reached the temperature we want, the AC will reduce the cooling load itself automatically granted, to remain operational. Conventional air conditioner is not equipped with a converter. On-off control system, which means he will stop operating when the temperature has been reached, and operating again when the temperature has gone up to a certain point. Remember, the biggest AC electrical power required at start. So, when we are often conditioned on and off the electricity required would be greater.

2. Choose the air conditioner cooling capacity according to need. Avoid choosing too small air conditioner with a capacity or over capacity.

3. Ensure that space to be fitted with air-conditioning was shut tight. Prevent possible heat from the outside came into the room, which can increase the workload of the air conditioner.

4. Discipline is not to smoke in indoor air-conditioned. Besides the heat issue, cigarette smoke also cause our air conditioner broken.

5. Adjust the temperature setting wisely. We certainly do not need to turn the air conditioner setting 18oC. Besides not good for health, setting too low (cold) also forced the AC work harder.
6. Turn off the AC when the room is not used in a relatively long time.
7. Keep always cleanliness room, especially from dust.
8. Clean the air filter in, at least once a week.
9. Treat AC periodically, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer AC. AC electric power prime condition requiring smaller.
10. Encourage and teach all family members to use the air conditioner wisely.
Hopefully Helpful for all.

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