Monday, June 28, 2010
Membuat Pizza Sendiri Dirumah
Bahan-Bahan :
500 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
1/2 sendok teh garam
1 sendok makan ragi instan
250 gram air hangat
2 sendok makan minyak zaitun
1 buah bawang bombay, cincang halus
1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
2 sendok makan minyak zaitun
200 gram tomat, diparut
400 gram tomat kaleng - bisa diganti dengan 5 buah tomat, direbus lalu diparut
50 gram pasta tomat
1 sendok teh garam
1/2 sendok teh gula pasir
1 sendok teh basil
2 sendok teh oregano
100 gram daging, cincang dibentuk bulat kecil
100 gram daging ayam, cincang dibentuk bulat kecil
1/2 buah bawang bombay, iris bulat tipis
1/2 buah paprika hijau, potong kotak
1/2 buah paprika merah, potong kotak
50 gram daging asap, potong kotak
50 gram jamur kancing iris tipis
1 sendok teh oregano
100 gram keju mozarella
2 sendok makan minyak zaitun
Cara Mengolah :
Membuat Roti:
1. Ayak Tepung terigu, lalu campurkan dengan garam, ragi instan
2. Masukkan air hangat dan minyak zaitun sambil diuleni selama 10 menit, bulatkan adonan
3. Diamkan adonan selama 15 menit. Giling lalu masukkan dalam loyang pizza diameter 24 cm yang telah dioles minya zaitun
4. Adonan siap ditutup topping
Membuat Concase:
1. Panaskan minyak zaitun. Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai layu selama 5 menit
2. Masukkan tomat parut, tomat kaleng, dan pasta tomat. Masak sampai kental sambil diaduk sampai meletup-letup
3. Masukkan garam, gula, oregano, dan basil. Aduk sebentar lalu angkat dan dinginkan.
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan Minyak Zaitun, tumis daging cincang dan ayam cincang sampai berubah warna, angkat. Campur dengan concase. Aduk rata.
2. Tipiskan kulit pizza, oleskan minyak zaitun dan concase.
3. Taburkan bawang bombay, paprika hijau, paprika merah, daging asap, jamur oregano, dan keju mozarella.
4. Oven Selama 20 menit dalam suhu 200 derajat celcius.
Bikin Kentang Goreng ala Restoran
Suka makan kentang goreng, tetapi selalu tidak puas karena hasil gorengannya tidak bisa garing seperti kentang goreng di restoran?
Untuk membuat kentang goreng selezat di restoran, Anda memang perlu memilih kentang yang cocok untuk diolah menjadi french fries. Misalnya kentang tes. Kemudian, kentang perlu dimasak dengan suhu tertentu, sekitar 150-175 derajat Celcius (Anda perlu menggunakan thermometer khusus untuk memastikan suhunya).
Untuk mendapatkan kentang yang empuk di dalam dan renyah di luar, rahasianya adalah merebus kentang sebentar dalam air mendidih, sebelum digoreng. Hal ini untuk memastikan kentang matang merata, sebelum dibuat garing dengan digoreng. Setelah itu, kentang digoreng dua kali. Pertama digoreng dengan suhu yang lebih rendah, kedua dengan suhu lebih tinggi.
Ingin tahu cara mengolahnya secara detail? Ikuti langkah di bawah ini:
1. Ambil dua buah kentang, kupas kulitnya. Jika Anda tidak ingin mengupas kulitnya (karena kulit kentang justru mengandung serat), gosok permukaan kulitnya sambil dialiri air, sampai bersih). Potong-potong dengan ketebalan ½ cm, dan panjang 6-10 cm.
2. Masukkan kentang ke dalam panci kecil yang sudah terisi air, lalu rebus air dan kentang tersebut. Setelah mendidih, biarkan kentang menjadi matang sekitar 5 menit, lalu tiriskan. Biarkan kentang mongering selama 10 menit. Pastikan kentang sudah kering sebelum digoreng. Bila perlu, letakkan di atas tisu agar air benar-benar terserap.
3. Begitu kentang sudah kering, siapkan minyak yang banyak dan panas (untuk deep-fry) dengan suhu 150 derajat Celcius dalam penggorengan yang melengkung dalam. Setelah minyak panas, matikan apinya. Goreng kentang dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil, sekitar 7-8 potong kentang saja tiap kelompoknya, supaya kentang masak merata. Sebelum kentang berubah warna, angkat dan keringkan di atas tisu. Setelah kelompok pertama selesai digoreng, nyalakan kembali api di kompor sehingga suhu minyak berada dalam panas yang diinginkan.
4. Setelah itu kentang digoreng kedua kalinya. Panaskan minyak (lebih panas daripada sebelumnya, yaitu sekitar 175 derajat Celcius), lalu goreng kentang selama 2-4 menit sampai warnanya menjadi coklat keemasan. Kentang biasanya akan menjadi lebih gelap setelah ditiriskan. Keringkan, lalu tuang ke dalam mangkuk. Taburi garam secukupnya.
Incar Kedubes Eropa
Jakarta - Salah seorang terduga teroris yang ditangkap Densus 88 pada pekan ini, Heri Sigu, ternyata memiliki rencana melakukan serangan terhadap salah satu kedutaan besar negara asing di Jakarta.
Hal tersebut terungkap dalam konferensi pers Mabes Polri yang diwakili oleh Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri Irjen Pol Edward Aritonang di Mabes Polri, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (25/6).
Kedutaan besar yang akan diserang merupakan salah satu kedutaan dari benua Eropa. Selain itu, Heri juga berencana melakukan serangan terhadap institusi Polri pada Hari Bhayangkara 1 Juli mendatang.
Heri juga memiliki peran menyembunyikan Abdullah Sonata yang masuk dalam daftar pencarian orang (DPO). "Meidi alias Budiyanto. Orang tua dari Heri Sigu ini juga berperan menyembunyikan DPO Abdullah Sonata," ungkap Edward.
Dari penangkapan Heri, Densus berhasil menyita satu pucuk senjata pistol Walter, amunisi 9 mm, dan sejumlah rangkaian elektronik untuk bom peledak. Heri sendiri memiliki nama lain, Heri Amshory alias Johan Effendi alias A Roni alias M Nuruddin alias Abdul Fatah alias Jamalluddin alias M Al Anshori alias Aki Soghir.
Selain itu, mereka juga hendak beraksi saat HUT Polri 1 Juli mendatang.
“Mereka tadinya ingin memberikan kado ulang tahun buat kita (Polri) dengan cara beraksi di sejumlah tempat. Beruntung sudah ditangkap,” ujar Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri Irjen Pol Edward Aritonang, Jumat (25/6).
Dengan demikian, lanjut dia, perayaan HUT Polri mendatang bisa dipastikan berjalan aman, tanpa ada gangguan dari kelompok teroris yang selama ini sudah sangat meresahkan.
“Saya tidak tahu di mana saja rencana mereka beraksi. Yang pasti perayaan nanti bisa berlangsung lancar, karena sudah ditangkap,” tandas jenderal bintang dua tersebut.
Menurutnya, kelompok Abdullah Sonata dinilai masih menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat. Sebab, dirinya memiliki peran penting dalam kelompok teroris. “Tapi kami sudah bertekad untuk menumpas mereka,” pungkasnya.
Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri Irjen Pol Edward Aritonang dalam konferensi pers di Mabes Polri kemarin mengakui Densus 88 telah menangkap DPO Abdullah Sonata.
"Ditangkap di bus Kramat Jati, di Jalan Raya Solo-Boyolali, tanggal 23 Juni, pukul 17.00 WIB," kata Edward, Jumat (25/6).
Dari tangannya, Densus menyita satu pucuk senjata api jenis revolver, dan amunisi sebanyak 50 butir.
Abdullah Sonata Arman Kristianto alias Nata alias Andri alias Heri alias Eko Pramono Wibowo, masuk dalam daftar pencarian orang (DPO) Mabes Polri karena memiliki peran yang cukup kompleks di jaringan terorisme yang ada di Indonesia.
Beberapa perannya, yakni sebagai penanggung jawab awal pelatihan militer bersenjata di Aceh, dan melakukan survei lokasi untuk tempat latihan. Melakukan perekrutan, memasok senjata api, menguasai-memiliki senjata dan amunisi ilegal, serta pernah menyembunyikan DPO bom Bali I Dul Matin.
Selama ini, Abdullah Sonata mencantumkan pekerjaannya sebagai pengajar bahasa Arab di kompleks Galaxy Bekasi.
Ajang Pembuktian, Siapa Perkasa?
Uruguay dan Korea Selatan (Korsel) bakal menjadikan laga 16 besar, Sabtu (26/6), sebagai pembuktian posisi mereka di persepakbolaan dunia setelah dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir terus menjadi kekuatan medioker di turnamen sepak bola terakbar sejagat itu.
Tidak ada yang mendudukan juara Grup A Uruguay atau Korsel yang menjadi runner-up Grup B Korsel, bakal jauh melangkah di Piala Dunia Afsel. Tetapi kedua tim ternyata mampu melewati penyisihan grup dan secara mengejutkan bermain apik untuk meraih posisi seperti saat ini. Dan bisa tampil di perempat final bakal menjadi pencapaian yang mengejutkan bagi kedua tim.
Jika juara dunia seperti Brasil, Jerman, Argentina, dan Italia terus menjadi kekuatan dunia, berbeda halnya dengan Uruguay yang menyandang dua kali juara dunia. Mereka tidak pernah menyentuh babak perempat final, semenjak Piala Dunia 1970 ketika mereka tampil hingga semifinal.
Seperti juga Uruguay, Korsel telah 11 kali tampil di ajang Piala Dunia. Tetapi mereka baru sekali mampu melewati babak penyisihan grup. Itupun diraih ketika menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia 2002, ketika melaju hingga semifinal.
Korsel pada setiap penampilannya di Piala Dunia selalu berpikir mengenai satu pertandingan yang bakal dihadapi, dan tidak ingin melihat peluang melaju. Tetapi di bawah kepelatihan Huh Jung-moo, Korsel sudah berani menyatakan mereka membidik lolos ke babak kedua. Target itu kini telah tercapai.
"Saya tahu, pemain belum puas dengan hanya mencapai babak 16 besar dan kami akan bekerja keras untuk bisa mencapai semifinal," tandas mantan pilar pertahanan Korsel di Piala Dunia 1986 Meksiko itu. "Pemain saya kini membidik target yang paling tinggi," tandasnya.
Penampilan Korsel selalu penuh energi dengan serangan yang tiada henti, keberanian melakukan serangan balik, serta kemapanan fisik sepanjang pertandingan. Tetapi, kebobolan enam gol di dua laga terakhir menunjukkan kerapuhan permainan mereka.
Kondisi itu sangat kontras dengan Uruguay. Tim asuhan Oscar Tabarez itu hanya sekali kebobolan dan menjadi favorit untuk memenangi duel 16 besar yang dilangsungkan di Stadion Nelson Mandela Bay, Port Elizabeth. Keyakinan setelah mereka dua kali menang dan sekali seri, membuat kukuh memuncaki klasemen akhir Grup A. Posisi juara grup pertama bagi Uruguay, semenjak Piala Dunia 1950 ketika mereka menjadi juara.
Uruguay dipastikan tetap mempertahankan tim terkuat, dengan mengandalkan Diego Forlan sebagai bomber utama. Tetapi, pemain yang merumput di klub Atletico Madrid itu lebih berperan sebagai penyerang lubang, berada di belakang duo serang Luis Suarez dan Edinson Cavani. Kombinasi tiga penyerang yang bakal menguji ketahanan lini belakang Korsel.
Gelandang Diego Perez menyatakan, mereka bakal fokus memperbaiki serangan yang langsung mematikan serta memperkukuh lini belakang. Itu mengantisipasi kemampuan Korsel yang mengandalkan serangan cepat ketika mereka menguasai bola.
"Kami sadar, kami tidak boleh memberikan mereka keuntungan sedikitpun sepanjang pertandingan. Kami mengetahui batasan kemampuan. Kami memiliki pertahanan solid, dan kami bisa menyerang dengan baik," tandas Perez.
"Sudah lama sekali kami bisa mencapai kondisi seperti ini. Kami mengerti, perjalanan cukup bagus. Kami harus menikmatinya," tambah Perez lagi. (fuad)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Has launched Office 2010 & SharePoint 2010
Microsoft has just announced the availability of new products Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft Visio 2010 and Microsoft Project 2010 on May 12, 2010 for all consumer businesses in the world.
Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 will be expected to increase our productivity with the various features.
Office 2010 beta program and SharePoint 2010 is a beta program that has many users as a tester, approximately 6.8 million have tried to use it and more than 1,000 Microsoft partners have built solutions on top of it.
In Office 2010 also features the Microsoft Office Web Apps which is the online complement to the application Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and OneNote. Through Office Web Apps, we can access files from a PC, phone or browser.
Office Mobile 2010 also been available via Windows ® Phone Marketplace for all cell phone Windows Mobile 6.5.
Office 2010 launch of this site can be accessed at
Office 2010 For further info:
And want to know more about the Office Web Apps:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Download Opera Mini Opera Mobile 5 & 10 Final Version
Surfing the mobile phone is no longer something that sounded ordinary. Moreover, the development of internet increasingly penetrated into various circles. No wonder therefore if for internet on the phone, of course you need is a mobile browser application such as Opera Mini or Opera Mobile as well.
The good news is now a Norwegian company, Opera Software, has just released the final version of Opera Mini Opera Mobile 5 and 10. According to Opera companies, almost all the handsets on the market today can take advantage of various features offered by this new mobile browser, includes incredible speed faster browsing, internet cost savings as well as an enjoyable surfing experience.
There are five reasons why the mobile internet users should try the final version:
• Fun surfing the mobile internet will not do both. By using these browsers, you can easily surf in the virtual world using only mobile phones only, application compatibility is almost supporting all kinds of mobile phone models today, besides it's easy and free to be downloaded by anyone.
• High-speed Internet. Opera mobile browser designed specifically to improve browsing speed than previous versions. Today Opera is the fastest and best mobile browser for your phone.
• Pressing the cost of your internet pulse. Surely you do not want your pulse continuously sucked away just to open a website that should be the same cheapness or cheaper if the access on mobile phones than on computers. With this new compression technology, Opera Mini can reduce the amount of data sent to your cell phone up to 90 percent, so that later you also pay less when surfing on mobile phones.
• Web appear more modest on the phone. Opera's interface is designed as simple as possible so easy to use user, regardless of what phone model you currently use. In addition there are new additional features such as Speed Dial, Tab and also Password Manager.
• Opera Link allows you to synchronize bookmarks, notes and Speed Dial between your computer and your phone. So you can easily access information anywhere.
Now mobile users can already download the final version of Opera Mini and Opera Mobile 5 directly from the handset 10 respectively. Previous generation of mobile browsers can be installed easily on the Java-featured mobile phone, BlackBerry handsets, the Android handset and Windows Mobile handsets. Even now Opera Mobile 10 also has been available for all Windows Mobile device and also based on Symbian S60 handset.
"Given the needs and desires of 50 million more users, we've increased the speed, functional as a desktop browser and data storage in our mobile browser. Currently, we have made it easier for anyone to surf, do a search and socialize on the web. "Explained the CEO of Opera Software.
Well, you also want to download the final version of both these mobile browser, please visit from your phone.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Epson Stylus printer SX525WD With WiFi Support
As the reliability and practicality in supporting a number of devices that carry, WiFi-based connectivity is now becoming widely adopted by various mobile and non mobile devices. And no doubt anymore, connectivity support on this one now berlahan slowly began to shift to support the printing device to print an increasingly rampant in recent years.
With regard to this, Epson has recently launched its latest Stylus printer in England, known as the printer All-in-One with SX525WD model. The printer All-In-One is equipped with a built-in WiFi connectivity to support wireless printing process. SX525WD Epson offers fast printing reaches 36 pages per minute and scanning (scan) and the copying function (copy).
SX525WD Stylus printer is equipped with the latest features large LCD screen for quick viewing and printing photos. In addition, this printer also supports automatic two-sided printing and are able to print files and images directly from memory cards. Printer with WiFi connectivity support is apparently uses Epson DURABrite Ultra Ink printers to provide a clear document and lab-quality photos that resist water, fading and highlighter pens (from various sources)
Kingston 2400MHz Releases World's Fastest Memory
Trying to reach the highest position is not easy. Thanks to hard work, now for the first time the Kingston launches Intel bersetifikat memory that was claimed as the world's fastest memory now.
"Walking at a speed of 2400MHz, Kingston HyperX DDR3 memory, dual-channel which has obtained the certificate on the Intel XMP Core i7 platform," said one spokesperson for Kingston via e-mail.
Kingston first launched the world's fastest memory speed running at 2400MHz 9-11-9-27-2 timing on 1.65 volts and the voltage developed for gaming enthusiasts who want high-speed testing the new memory.
According to Kingston, 2400MHz memory architecture was created with a special design aimed at the production of OEM quality and testing standards to obtain a certificate that Intel's much coveted by other manufacturers.
This memory also has been tested to be matched on P55 based machines including the motherboard Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4P. Kingston's 2400MHz memory speed reportedly began to be available in the second quarter of 2010. (Written by Fuad Hassan from various sources)
Asus and ENGTX470 ENGTX480 Graphics Card
The need for optimal viewing with a reliability that is increasing in line with expectations lately, certainly spurred many manufacturers to produce quality graphics card and then thrown into the market. Parallel development, Asus is committed to always continue to exist to play its role as one of the graphics card manufacturers in the world market.
As proof of its existence to the world market graphics card, Asus has just announced two new graphics cards. Both the graphics card is nothing but ENGTX480/2DI/1536MD5 and ENGTX470/2DI/1280MD5, who still own based on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 and GTX470.
ENGTX480 graphics card is equipped with GDDR5 1536MB video memory and a 700MHz engine clock speed and 3696MHz memory clock speed. Meanwhile, the ENGTX470 graphics card also features a 1280MB video RAM and runs a 607MHz engine clock and memory clock of 3348MHz. So far, both the graphics kartui also supports up to 2560 x 1600 resolution for DVI and 2048 × 1536 for D-Sub. Additionally, there are also two dual-link DVI-I port and an HDMI output. Both cards have been using the PCI Express 2.0 bus.
Introduction of the ATI Radeon HD 5670
ATI Radeon HD 5670 seems to have started nervously for too long been hidden from the public, reportedly now in this time of re-production since early December last year. Recently, Advanced Micro Devices has reported that this product will be launched with more oriented to the budget making.
New graphics card itself is powered by Redwood XT graphics processing unit. This GPU seems to eight times faster than previous generations and 400 stream processors. Furthermore, this product is capable of running at 775 MHz and memory speed of 4000MHz DDR. Own memory capacity will be available approximately for the 512MB and 1GB, which is where the memory bus was enlarged to 128-bit.
HD 5670 itself will be a solution for AMD's DirectX 11 graphics with the appropriate budget. In many cases, these products seem to be more capable when compared with the NVIDIA GeForce GT 240, although not quite able to complement AMD's 40nm GPU, HD 4770.
This graphics card seems to look kind of mild compared with the Radeon HD 5750 with 720 stream processors. However, this new product was marketed with a more affordable price that is below 100 USD or below 1 million rupiah. Not only that, these cards are still going to use Eyefinity technology. In addition, this card does not require more power than is provided through a PCI slot or DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort connectors.
Apparently this card could be the solution quite friendly game engine though pockets of this model does not support CrossFireX, but it seems that producers will be fully add this feature later. (Source)
Largest Capacity Hard Drive Seagate 3TB of this Present Year 2010
Seagate has confirmed that they will produce a 3TB hard drive at the end of this year. Type Constellation will require 64-bit operating system that supports logical block addressing long (long LBA) to be able to read the entire contents of the hard disk. For 32-bit version can only find 1.2 TB of hard disk recently, even he said Windows XP may not detect more than 1 GB.
Currently, at least Windows Vista or Windows 7 64-bit version can support more capacity, are also certain Linux.
Seagate also supports Mac OS X but it seems only the start of the versions of Snow Leopard. (Source)
Newest Motherboard Supports Gigabyte GA-H55N USB3 Type Mini-ITX Support for Intel Core i7
Gigabyte, the motherboard manufacturers are already competing with Asus has announced its first product in the arena that supports mini-ITX GA-H55N USB3 USB3 ie where the size of the new gigabyte motherboard is only 17cm x 17xm.
USB3 connectivity capabilities acquired through onboard NEC host controller port uPD720200untuk two USB3 with bandwidth 5GB / s. Gigabyte board also provides 3x USB Power Boost, which allows the power range of USB devices to work with larger and fill / charge faster.
On this board there are x16 PCI-E 2.0 slots, four SATA 3Gb / s ports, and two DDR3 DIMM slots that support up to 8GB. Rear panel has two USB3 ports, one eSATA 3Gb / s ports, four USB2 ports (four more information available from internal headers), Realtek Gigabit Ethernet and 7.1 channel audio, connect the PS2 combined, an optical S / PDIF Out, and HDMI / D-Sub / DVI connector According to Tim Handley, Deputy Director of Marketing at Gigabyte motherboard, "GIGABYTE GA-H55N-USB3 specially designed for users who want to build a home PC is a complete and sophisticated entertainment." Typically, a mini-ITX board only prioritize portability but this board is different, H55N-USB3 will support the LGA 1156 Core and Core I3 i5 with integrated graphics processors, and s1156 Core i7 processor.
According to Anandtech, the appropriate price around 110 USD but more precise estimates about 130 USD. News-H55N more about the surface USB3 expected to appear at Computex 2010, which will be held in Taiwan on June 1 to 5 2010. (from various sources)
Google Chrome Beta Version of New Again
Google has released a beta version of Chrome newer, this is done to win the browser war, so Google needs to release a new version is faster performance.
Chrome is a beta version of a new stable version while the last channel on February 3 that is stable is
"The best thing about this new beta is the speed, is 25% faster on V8 benchmark and 35% in the benchmark Sunspider than the" stable channel "as well as two times faster than the original beta version," says product manager Brian Rakowski Google Chrome on their blog .
Please note that for Chrome there are three kinds of stable channels of distribution channels, channel beta and developer preview channel.(from various sources)
Free Microsoft Antivirus Circulated June 23, 2009 Immediately
Company classmate Microsoft apparently wants to make antivirus part of the equation. That was expressed by representatives from Microsoft to the front of the press some time ago. And his plan, the beta version of Microsoft Security Essentials will soon be available to the public on June 23, 2009. Obviously this will be quite interesting to try, let alone so many Windows users out there who struggle even more when it was attacked by malware. Maybe this is the action to be able to cope with the complaint after complaint users. And so the difficulties that have been jammed because so many malware attacks, but Microsoft itself less able to provide solutions in these output products.
Previously this project itself is called Morro, which offered special protection to be against viruses, spyware, trojan also will immediately transfer the Windows Live OneCare that had once existed. Where once this application itself picking up 49.95 USD per year. But it seems fame created by Live OneCare will soon be replaced by the emergence of Morro application is later.
Morro Applications are available in a free package is also where the latter can run on the operating system Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. This application was deliberately matched to Microsoft products only. In addition to lighter and more effective as well.
Competitors such as the previously existing AVG, Kaspersky and Symantec just a bigger role than what was offered on Microsoft applications, said JR Smith, CEO of AVG added. Will it eventually Morro application better than other antivirus? We'll just have to wait his arrival.(from various sources)
Microsoft Office 2010 promises to be available in June 2010
It seems a bright spot of the presence of Office 2010 starts to look clear. At least we should wait no longer than the time now to be testing the latest version of Office 2010, so presumably that is confirmed by Microsoft. Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, shows that Office 2010 will be out in just a few months.
"We hope that Office 2010 and related products will be generally available in June 2010." He said. In this case, customers will only be able to buy Office 2010, Visio 2010, SharePoint 2010 and Project 2010. This time limit is also a confirmation of info which has been available since the release of Office 2010 Beta Build 14.0.4536.1000.
Microsoft says that the early stage of development of Office 2010 will be processed until mid-year 2010. At the Nashville Technology Council at Trevecca Nazarene University a few days ago, Ballmer even made as if Office 2010 would arrive sooner than expected. "You will see the latest version of Office, which will arrive within a few months. Not only works on your PC, but he will be working through a web browser and to mobile phones with sophisticated features. "
Well, we'll wait for the presence of Office 2010 in June 2010.(from various sources)
Has launched Office 2010 & SharePoint 2010
Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 will be expected to increase our productivity with the various features.
Office 2010 beta program and SharePoint 2010 is a beta program that has many users as a tester, approximately 6.8 million have tried to use it and more than 1,000 Microsoft partners have built solutions on top of it.
In Office 2010 also features the Microsoft Office Web Apps which is the online complement to the application Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and OneNote. Through Office Web Apps, we can access files from a PC, phone or browser.
Office Mobile 2010 also been available via Windows ® Phone Marketplace for all cell phone Windows Mobile 6.5.
Office 2010 launch of this site can be accessed at
Office 2010 For further info:
And want to know more about the Office Web Apps: (from various sources)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What Causes Global Warming Main?
In the report of the United Nations (FAO), entitled Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options (Released November 2006), the UN noted that the livestock industry is the producer of greenhouse gas emissions are the largest (18%), this amount more than the combined greenhouse gas glass all transport around the world (13%). Greenhouse gas emissions include livestock industry 9% carbon dioxide, 37% methane gas (warming effect 72 times stronger than CO2), 65% nitrous oxide (warming effect 296 times stronger than CO2), and 64% ammonia causes acid rain. Livestock seized 30% of the entire surface of dry land on Earth and 33% of the arable land area used for growing fodder fields. Livestock also cause 80% of the Amazon forest denudation.
Meanwhile, a report recently released World Watch Institute states that livestock are responsible for at least 51 percent of global warming.
The author, Dr. Robert Goodland, former principal adviser to the environmental field for the World Bank and World Bank research staff Jeff Anhang, making based on "The Long Shadow Ranch", a report published in 2006 by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). They calculate that the previous field and update everything else, including life-cycle emissions of farmed fish production, the CO2 from breathing animal, and correction of actual calculation that produces more than twice the reported number of animals on the planet.
Methane emissions from farm animals also served for 72 times more in absorbing heat in the atmosphere than CO2. This represents an increase that is more accurate than the original calculation of the FAO with the warming potential of 23 times. Nevertheless, the investigators were told that their estimates are minimal, and therefore the total emissions of 51 percent is still conservative. (From various sources).Hopefully Helpful for all..
What is Global Warming ?
How often have you heard that statement came out from the people around you or from yourself? You are not wrong, the existing data did show the planet continues to experience an alarming increase in temperature from year to year. In addition to increasing the heat of the weather around us, you must also recognize the increasing number of natural disasters and natural phenomena tend to be increasingly out of control lately. Ranging from flood, tornado, bursts of gas, up to an erratic rainfall from year to year.
Realize that these are natural signs which indicate that our beloved planet is undergoing the process of damage that leads to destruction! This is directly related to global issues more intense lately discussed by the world community that is Global Warming (Global Warming). Is it global warming? In brief, global warming is increasing the average surface temperature of the earth. The question is: why the earth's surface temperature can be increased?
Global Warming Causes
Research had been done by the experts during the last few decades show that in fact the more the heat of the planet is directly related to greenhouse gases generated by human activities. Especially for the overseeing the causes and effects produced by global warming, the United Nations (UN) formed a research group called the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Every few years, thousands of experts and the world's top researchers who are members of the IPCC held a meeting to discuss recent discoveries related to global warming, and make conclusions from the report and new discoveries are successfully collected, and then make a deal for a solution of the problem. One of the first things they found was that some sort of greenhouse gases is directly responsible for the warming we are experiencing, and the creation of Man is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases such. Most of these greenhouse gases produced by livestock, the burning of fossil fuels in motor vehicles, modern factories, farms, and power plant.
What is a Greenhouse Gas?
Earth's atmosphere consists of various gases with different functions. Groups that maintain the temperature of the gas to keep warm the earth's surface known as "greenhouse gases". Called greenhouse gases because the system is working gases in the earth's atmosphere is similar to the workings of the greenhouse that serves the sweltering heat of the sun in it so that the temperature inside the greenhouse remains warm, with plants in it so will be able to grow well because it has a heat enough sun. Our planet is basically required proficiency level in these gases to keep the life in it. Without the presence of greenhouse gases, Earth would be too cold to live in the absence of an isolating layer of the sun's heat. For comparison, the planet Mars has a thin layer of the atmosphere and do not have the greenhouse effect has an average temperature of-32o Celsius.
The biggest contributor to global warming today is Carbon Dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) produced agriculture and livestock (mainly from the digestive systems of animals), Nitrogen Oxide (NO) from fertilizers, and the gases used in refrigerators and air conditioning (CFC). Destruction of forests that should serve as storage of CO2 is also increasingly exacerbate this situation because the dead trees will release the stored CO2 into the atmosphere within the network. Each greenhouse gas has a global warming effect berbedabeda. Some of the gas heating effect is more severe than CO2. As an example of a molecule of methane produces 23 times the warming effect of CO2 molecules. NO molecules to produce even heating up to 300 times the effect of CO2 molecules. Other gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have a warming effect of CO2 up to a thousand times. But fortunately the use of CFCs has been banned in many countries because CFCs have long been blamed for damaging the ozone layer. (From various sources).
Electricity Saving Tips On AC Unit
Use air conditioning or AC (Air Conditioner) in the household has a need for 'primary' for some of our communities. Especially for those living in areas with a fairly hot temperature. In addition to ensuring comfort, the AC can serve also as an air purifier at home. However, with the electric power needs of large, knowledge about the inadequate air-conditioning would likely add a fairly high electric bills at the end of the month.
Can even be more complicated when we have to go back and forth menservice air conditioning at home because it is often ngadat. If you already like this, not convenience that we get, but that added problem.
The following are simple tips that we can practice when we were going to buy air conditioners, or when using the AC and AC self care:
1. Buy air conditioning or air conditioner equipped with a converter. The function of the converter is a regulator of the electricity load. This means that when the temperature in the room has reached the temperature we want, the AC will reduce the cooling load itself automatically granted, to remain operational. Conventional air conditioner is not equipped with a converter. On-off control system, which means he will stop operating when the temperature has been reached, and operating again when the temperature has gone up to a certain point. Remember, the biggest AC electrical power required at start. So, when we are often conditioned on and off the electricity required would be greater.
2. Choose the air conditioner cooling capacity according to need. Avoid choosing too small air conditioner with a capacity or over capacity.
3. Ensure that space to be fitted with air-conditioning was shut tight. Prevent possible heat from the outside came into the room, which can increase the workload of the air conditioner.
4. Discipline is not to smoke in indoor air-conditioned. Besides the heat issue, cigarette smoke also cause our air conditioner broken.
5. Adjust the temperature setting wisely. We certainly do not need to turn the air conditioner setting 18oC. Besides not good for health, setting too low (cold) also forced the AC work harder.
6. Turn off the AC when the room is not used in a relatively long time.
7. Keep always cleanliness room, especially from dust.
8. Clean the air filter in, at least once a week.
9. Treat AC periodically, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer AC. AC electric power prime condition requiring smaller.
10. Encourage and teach all family members to use the air conditioner wisely.
Hopefully Helpful for all.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Three Core for your Laptop
AMD will provide a three-core processor for laptops. this is to fill the void of high-performance notebook segment, with sufficient power durability. AMD asserted that this would be a three-core processor in the world's first, which is for laptops, three-core processor offers higher processing speed of processors doubles, but provides the energy efficiency of better than four-core processor. The processor is a part of the AMD platform which has the code name of the Danube, with 45 nm manufacturing process technology, this platform has the speed and quality graphics that are better than the previous platform, Dragon, and increase battery life by over an hour, in addition, the Danube is also supports DDR3 memory faster RAM, and boost integrated graphics performance, AMD also announced its next-generation platform, named''Leo ", which is a platform for AMD six-core processor.
Google Voice VOIP tandem
If you do not like google, but you have to admit that they are as a genius when talking about Internet businesses, and providing products that many people want to use.
Google Voice for example, offers many additional features that are very interesting. transkipsi features like voice mail, screen callers to hear who is calling before picking up, or one phone number that can be used anywhere else is just a few of the features it offers.
Google recently acquired a VoIP company, Gizmo5, and has triggered speculation that Google will integrate VoIP technology into the Google Voice service. Confirmation that Google will add to the Google Voice VoIP service, attended from the site eWeek.Transkipsi Voicemail, integrated and threaded SMS inbox is a fantastic feature. Gizmo5 gives us the technology. technologies and they have special skills in integrating the phone with a digital device, desktop computer, and web-based computing.
What do we get by the user? Most likely decrease the phone bill, because telephone calls can be made from your mobile device.
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