Thursday, June 3, 2010

What is Global Warming ?

How often have you heard that statement came out from the people around you or from yourself? You are not wrong, the existing data did show the planet continues to experience an alarming increase in temperature from year to year. In addition to increasing the heat of the weather around us, you must also recognize the increasing number of natural disasters and natural phenomena tend to be increasingly out of control lately. Ranging from flood, tornado, bursts of gas, up to an erratic rainfall from year to year.

Realize that these are natural signs which indicate that our beloved planet is undergoing the process of damage that leads to destruction! This is directly related to global issues more intense lately discussed by the world community that is Global Warming (Global Warming). Is it global warming? In brief, global warming is increasing the average surface temperature of the earth. The question is: why the earth's surface temperature can be increased?

Global Warming Causes

Research had been done by the experts during the last few decades show that in fact the more the heat of the planet is directly related to greenhouse gases generated by human activities. Especially for the overseeing the causes and effects produced by global warming, the United Nations (UN) formed a research group called the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Every few years, thousands of experts and the world's top researchers who are members of the IPCC held a meeting to discuss recent discoveries related to global warming, and make conclusions from the report and new discoveries are successfully collected, and then make a deal for a solution of the problem. One of the first things they found was that some sort of greenhouse gases is directly responsible for the warming we are experiencing, and the creation of Man is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases such. Most of these greenhouse gases produced by livestock, the burning of fossil fuels in motor vehicles, modern factories, farms, and power plant.

What is a Greenhouse Gas?

Earth's atmosphere consists of various gases with different functions. Groups that maintain the temperature of the gas to keep warm the earth's surface known as "greenhouse gases". Called greenhouse gases because the system is working gases in the earth's atmosphere is similar to the workings of the greenhouse that serves the sweltering heat of the sun in it so that the temperature inside the greenhouse remains warm, with plants in it so will be able to grow well because it has a heat enough sun. Our planet is basically required proficiency level in these gases to keep the life in it. Without the presence of greenhouse gases, Earth would be too cold to live in the absence of an isolating layer of the sun's heat. For comparison, the planet Mars has a thin layer of the atmosphere and do not have the greenhouse effect has an average temperature of-32o Celsius.

The biggest contributor to global warming today is Carbon Dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) produced agriculture and livestock (mainly from the digestive systems of animals), Nitrogen Oxide (NO) from fertilizers, and the gases used in refrigerators and air conditioning (CFC). Destruction of forests that should serve as storage of CO2 is also increasingly exacerbate this situation because the dead trees will release the stored CO2 into the atmosphere within the network. Each greenhouse gas has a global warming effect berbedabeda. Some of the gas heating effect is more severe than CO2. As an example of a molecule of methane produces 23 times the warming effect of CO2 molecules. NO molecules to produce even heating up to 300 times the effect of CO2 molecules. Other gases such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have a warming effect of CO2 up to a thousand times. But fortunately the use of CFCs has been banned in many countries because CFCs have long been blamed for damaging the ozone layer. (From various sources).

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