Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tips For Managing Credit No entanglement

Currently, the needs of consumer goods increasingly tempting. With discounts everywhere, almost every item can be obtained easily, especially if using credit card facilities. Once the friction-origin goods not exceeding the limit-craving I could just take home. However, often, convenience is what it often makes us forget ourselves.
So that we do not entangled-credit and credit card or other debt some anticipatory steps we need to do.

1. Buy goods in accordance with the needs

Many financial planners say to be safe from the temptation to buy goods, the easiest way is to ask yourself, "Do I need or simply want to?" This question could be "saved" so that we can not easily be tempted to buy goods that will only end up be a mere display. And, furthermore, must be saved also so as not to fall into the financial penalty that could imprison us.

2. Do not take credit cards as additional funds

Credit cards are cards that can provide convenience. However, this card is not a substitute for cash. Therefore, please note well that there are obligations to pay credit card behind. That way, we can not easily tempted to use credit cards excessively.

3. Separate balance to her "have fun"

If possible, make its own balance taken from the monthly income to fund some fun. This separate fund that you can use as a replacement credit card to buy things you love. Thus, no concerns have to pay the debt because of the direct deposit can be paid with these funds.

4. Always prepare a reserve fund

Differences with the funds to have fun, though also a reserve fund is set aside from monthly income, but the portion is for emergency needs. For example, to enter the hospital, donating to a relation who died, as well as various other needs. Special to the hospital fund, you'll want to set aside reserve funds to purchase health insurance policies.

5. Pay promptly when there are no funds

Debts must be paid. That's the main principle that entanglement does not credit. Therefore, while there are funds, set aside in accordance with the obligations of your monthly pay. Thus, there is nothing that would cost because of arrears to be paid interest from your debts. If necessary, also set aside funds from monthly income to pay all obligations in a bank account or a special envelope that can be prepared.

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